
Showing posts from 2007

ON Confidence - Confidence in Belief and the Belief of Confidence...

I wanted to discuss the most commonly used terms in the walks of life of a common man.Following are the few: Analogy Hypothetical Apparently or obviosuly Landline However the most common one is confidence and belief.I wanna discuss about them. The belief is the most hyped word in my life which i am exposed to.That too its been quiet often associated when we are upon religion.I do not intend to attack specific or all releigion (hoping its because not of fear) as i find no issues with it,expect for the fact sometimes the advocates demands or force or expect us to accept or acknoledge or believe they are the ones who are always right.As i only see religion as an honest man said as below , Many, many men have been just as troubled morally and spiritually as you are right now. Happily, some of them kept records of their troubles. You'll learn from them — if you want to. Just as someday, if you have something to offer, someone will learn something from you. It...

ON European movies and Best acting ranking for me

 Best acting Performance by Lead Actor Actor name Movie 1 Charlie Chaplin Modern Times 2 Kevin Spacey American beauty 3 Marlon Brando The Godfather 4 Sivaji Ganesan Thiruvarutchelvar & vietnam veedu 5 Anthony Perkins Psycho 6 Alpacino Scarface 7 Tom Hanks Forrest gump 8 James Stewart The Rope 9 Eli Wallah Good,Bad,Ugly 10 Edward Norton American History X 11 Tom Cruise Rainman 12 Laurence oliver A little romance 13 Dustin Hoffman Rain man 14 Sean Penn 21 grams 15 Kamal Haasan Anbe Sivam 16 Nagesh Thiruvilayadal 17 Peter Sellers Dr.Strangelove 18 Orson Welles Citizine Kane ======================================================================== European movies are slow and boring?(Example Italian movie La Notte) =============================================== I dont know why a single feeling or theme is dragged in a movie emotionally,where it is very slow paced,with no interesting ingredients in the story are considered good,thoughtful intellectu...


This is really a story kind of or filmy word, yet the writeup is done a lighter way inspired from the quote on a movie as below(not directly linked just inspired):  "Revenge is a dish best served cold." I really wanted to know why do we feel like taking revenge.To me revenge is nothing but giving back the same amount of of pain as he suffered to the opponent. When somebody hurts and provokes our revenge it means we have felt sense of somebody being better then us.Why are we not feeling not comfortable by letting other person better then us?Its because we have this thing called selfishness or ego which feels its sense of existence only by better then others.As a result it never likes letting somebody to be better then us,so we become restless and neurotic until we get back our sense of existence by taking revenge and feeling better then the person.We feel our sense of existence only in relationships,occupation and sometimes in hobby,rest of the time we suffer in not fe...

ON Virtue of Selfishness

During my graduation final year,one of my friend in the class applied for PG in some college.But he never shared that information to me.The way i understood this is that there is selfishness in my friend.Selfishness is the result of competition.To me selfishness and competition goes together.In simple words,Selfishness is not letting others to come up.Logically,Im no way his competitor even if i get into the college with him.But why are we going crazy in the name of competition.If somebody is better then us why are we pissed of,it means we lack self belief and no clarity on what we want. To take care of ourself is normal and obvious,becz we are responsible for being ourself,we are answerable for being ourself to others.To take care of our ealth,appearance,profession,family is something very reasonable and unquestionable.But why do we get obssessed,get stuck in the disease of smartness and remain in thought restless,peaceless,happyless. We are goin to loose all relationship due to...


Once we hear this subject fear,we shouldn’t underestimate this to be psychological thing because fear is an important state of mind which pollutes us with hastyness,lack of concentration,escaping present moment.After all mind is the only tool we have all our life to operate.We can operate this tool better,only by controlling fear.The fear im talking about has nothing to do with running away when animal attacks us or protecting ourself from fire,these are all pretty logical and normal.Our mind is been facilitated to handle this kind of threatening by secreting a thing called amygdale.The responsibility of amygdale is to create fight or flight response,that is it helps us in giving extraordinary energy and power to fight the danger.But the fear im talking about is concretely divorced from any genuine danger.This fear happens when we go to an interview,or when we compare ourself with others or compare ourself on how we are and how we should be.Even in this fear amygdale is secreted ir...

ON Come September movie and top movies ranking

RANKED MOVIES 1 Children Of Heaven (1997) drama Realistic Iran movie,Inspiring,simple and unique great story 2 .Shrek (2001) fantasy/masala Milestone graphical presentation with professional entertaininment,nice mixture of all emotions with good songs 3. The Godfather (1972) drama Great story flow,acting,with sharp content 4. The Shawshank Redemption (1994) drama/inspiration Professional story telling 5. Forrest Gump (1994) drama/biography/inspiration Philosphic,poetic with great acting 6. Goodfellas (1990) drama/biography Complex story,raw and good presentation 7. Pulp Fiction (1994) drama/fun Iconic non linear edit with innovative fun oriented screenplay 8. Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade (1989) action/adventure/fun Great execution of action with enjoyable story plot 9. Phone Booth (2002) thriller Gripping thriller,creates tempo for quality thriller 10. American beauty (1999) character drama/black comedy Philosphic,poetic with great acting,perfect...

ON Belief in God - Shall we question why do we believe?

I meet my friends every weekend and stay in their room for sometime to have fun and cherish our friendship. Few weeks before I met my friends and they were chatting vigorously on the subject of religion. I never got involved in this kind of conversation, because religion is sensitive and personal thing. But ,I was observing closely on how aggressive the argument went and strained relation of our friendship. The reason why I don’t involve myself in religious subject is that because obviously everybody would have no time or opportunity to explore,analyse and search deeply the meaning of it.So,obviously ,if anyone involves in this subject its going to be very superficial with few information they have heard, read and mere ego sake momentary thing, which doesn’t make sense at all. I always felt for those who believe, no explanation is necessary; for those who don’t believe, no explanation is possible But I am sure the way the talk went harshly made me realize that they are identified w...

ON Parenting-The factor of recognition and importance to child

Recognition and importance will change your life forever.This has to be be done to the maximum until a child is 21 years of age  as its duty of the parents to do so.Recognition and importance means not fake and artificial fame or adoring or indulge instead its genuine reflection out of the array of contents a child displays on what he is and what good it is honestly ,sincerely and act/ respect to your child ,accordingly which will change his core of personality as confident, self made and standalone survivor until his death. Not namesake superficial food,shelter,pocket money, education,marriage given by parents matters.You do 1000 mantras to god in praise just be one to your child.This is what which enables the child to make and buy food for himself, clean his house and keep things intact, take care of health, find and retain his girl, be good to people, study his education, love himself, make him confident, do his works,be responsible on every little and big things of lif...

ON Tamil movie Nayakan(1987)

I watched this movie recently on TV for 5th time,but i didn't feel boring or outdated.Especially what made the huge difference in this movie is the screenplay.It has provided a solid foundation for all the achievements this movie has done.Especially it creates great opportunity for the actors to show their skill,because it comes with a solid sensible reasonable situation.Actors cannot operate by themselves in a movie,it is based on the imaginary situation they can connect to the scene and portray their performance.So this movie comes out with some good acting performances,right from Kamal,Janagarag,Delhi Ganesh,Kartika. The next thing comes to my mind after screenplay is background score.Composer Illayaraja enhances the beauty and power of each scene by his excellent background score.P.C.Sreeram and Maniratnam has done great team work in executing the scenes with visual treat for eyes.Balakumaran's dailogues is very apt and good.The movie was made in 1987 ,but still it is o...

ON Creative Living

Every day morning after 8 hours of sleep,my mind would be in excellent state of relaxation.I was wondering where did that perceptive,creative,progressive state of mind is lost,once i proceed into the days work,which consists of meeting various people and doing various activity. In fact i have heard of this statistics,that we hardly have 4 hours of productive work in office out of 8 hours.Where did we loose our creative living? I want introduce the difference between the two words,action and activity to explain the creative living.Action is when situation demands it,you act and respond,whereas activity is so restless within that situation is just an excuse to be active.In simple terms,action comes out of a silent mind whereas activity comes out of a restless mind.Action is beautiful ,it is spontaneous response without hastiness ,whereas activity is result of hastiness which leads to escaping the present moment.Action is like,when you are hungry you eat,when you are thirsty you d...

ON 2001:A Space Odyssey = Space travel and adventure for just a movie ticket

This movie is a complex work of director Stanley Kubrick,but it is well acclaimed by critics and audience all over the world.Even though film didn't run well for first two weeks,after that it improved commercially as well as by good reviews.Many thought this complex intellectual work in cinema will not reach well,but it proved them wrong.I know that Stanley Kubrick has done just 11 mainstream feature films,each one of them has different story plots derived from literary works.I was just wondering why such a reputation for him all over the world for just 11 films.So,i just got this movie and started watching with no expectation or information about story.The story is been written by renowned science fiction writer Arthur C.Clarke and i would say it is an exceptional material where we can explore themes ofevolution,A.I,E.T,origin and end of universe.The story has mystery and adventure in an innovative backdrop of space.But Arthur C.Clarke said that 90% of movie is interpretati...

ON Art- Art is the place where heart and brain meets

The professions which are related to art are writing(poem,Novel,short story,essay),music,singing,dancing,acting. Of course the primary purpose of art is to entertain.I consider art as the place where brain and heart meets.To me artist are information explorers on various topics of life ,in simple words they travel a topic with emotion,very deeply,sensitively, sophisticated .Basically they are philosophers,they say how it is,how it should be.Idealistic philosophy is ever ending,dry, and useless.But artist find cause and give solution.Now let us see on various forms of art. writing is all about conceiving one line idea ,developing that one line with details,imagination.Writers extend the story line with structure by exaggeration .No story ever ends,its temporarily suspended.Let us see on the description of various forms of writing. Short story=This is like a train travel,the aim or sense of worth is felt primarily on climax. Novel=Use Characters as jasmine,events as another jasmine ...

ON Hollywood movie American Beauty(1999) review=Cinematic Beauty

American beauty is one of my favorite movie,which inspired the interest of movies into me because it was a great cinematic beauty.This movie is a character drama,with beautiful music composition,awesome acting performances,excellent execution by the director.The person who deserves a special mention is the writer Alan Ball who has written an excellent script with the touch of poetry,philosophy. The major story line would be 42 year old Lester Burnham likes to have relationship with his daughter's friend and a gripping climax for it.Even though the story line is odd,highlight of this movie is about the 7 characters.All the 7 characters are empty,lonely,sympathetic,feeling inferior on their life and desperately seeking outlet for their uninspired life. Lester Burnham ------------- 42 year old living in Suburban,Dissatisfied and angry with his average life and there is no fun in his life. outlet : ------ He flirts with daughter's friend,quits job and tries to recover fun in l...

ON Secret of implementing self belief

It is always easy to coin a theory,concept or idea,but it takes a great deal of energy,passion,perseverance to implement it.The major aspect or the trick always lies mainly in the start.As i have been discussing self belief in my previous article,let us see on how to create self belief practically in our mind. I wont take you through some psychological concepts like subconscious mind or that sort of words to explain the implementation technique,rather present it to you in simple words,which you would be able to understand if we think together in this article.Our mind altogether can be divided into memory and thought.The functions of thought would be manipulation,comparison,correlation,etc.In simpler way we can define thought as "Reaction derived from memory".Memory as the name itself says it's meaning,it is just bundle of information,picture,etc.Thought can repeat or pay attention to store information in memory.Thought is the channel of memory. Then comes the question...

ON Self Belief

Based on my observation and self enquiry ,i used to take notes every day on how our mind works and how we can improve.After accumulating the facts for around 90 pages,i was stunned to know the solution for all difficulties in our life would be "self belief".I have heard this words "Self belief" before,just on theory level,but now i realised the value and depth of its meaning.Because self belief lets us to execute action with concentration,gives clarity and enables us to think on a single point without any distraction or confusion .It also improves our listening,observation and never creates conflict with people because it helps us in not feeling inferior.Self belief is energy in thought level ,which prepares us to face life,without running away from the problem. I guess self belief is not a big secret,mostly everybody knows it.Then what's the barrier that's not letting us to apply self belief.It's because we have an image about our self but we haven...

ON Jealousy

Recently i went to a marriage and i was observing people how interested,attached,truthful on their wishes to the couple. I was shocked to see how formal,pretending people are,as well as i saw many actors better then Amitab Bachan , Sivaji Ganesan and Marlon Brando.Not only in wedding,i have observed this kind of attitude in different functions,where people feel uncomfortable in well being or success of others.In simple words,Why are we jealous? Jealousy indicates the intensity of craving,it means you feel somebody is better then you.As per the rule of ego or selfishness,it never lets others be better then you because we feel our sense of existence only by being better then others.Jealousy is just another form of self pity.Essentially comparison is the thing,which leads to jealousy. So why do we compare?We compare to ensure we are better then somebody and secure. Ego seeks it's existence only by being better then others. So here we go ,we found out the reason. But once again ...

ON Tamil movie Iruvar (1997)=Could have been turning point in Indian film industry

Indian film director Maniratnam was in great form after making 13 movies,especially after the success of the movie Bombay(1995).He made his ambitious movie " Iruvar " with lot of passion and perfection,which is quite evident in the movie. Maniratnam who is also well known for his innovative one liner,well structured screenplay,cute and good imagination has given his best work especially in the first half of the movie.Recording the history of a nation in a movie is not something possible in Indian film industry due to it's commercial pressure,but Maniratnam has daringly attempted for it with biography of two great persons Anandan and thamizhchelvan (based on real life filmstar , chiefminister M.G.R and writer, Chiefminister Karunanidhi ).It is about their struggles ,dreams,ambition,family,affairs,political and film career.And of course film tells about their friendship,competition and jealousy. The first half of the movie is beautiful,inspiring.But i have to acce...

ON The Godfather(1972) Hollywood movie=characters of this movie lives forever in art of film making,

Finally i decided to give review on the most popular,role model movie in the world,even though mine would be lost in millions of reviews.Writer Mario Puzo has created this story inspired from real life mafia family. The major characters on this movie would be father,his three sons and one foster son.All characters have unique quality,as mentioned below. Santinno Corroleone =Anger,short temper(Elder son has major authority next to his father ) Fredo Corroleone =coward,not smart(second son and Drunkard) Michael Corroleone =cool,smart(returns home after service in military) Tom Hagen=Patience,balanced(foster son,Lawyer and handles single client i.e.,father vito corroleone ) Vito(father)-mixture of these characters,and treats everyone equally with love and care.The content of the story is completely extracted from the novel,so all credits to Mario Puzo in forming the basement of this movie. Francis Ford Copolla not much known director at that point of making this movie has done ...

ON Kamal Haasan's Anbe Sivam(2003) Tamil movie ~ The theme of humanity on Movie/art at its best

This is one of the movies i missed during it's release like many,due to the feeling that this movie won't be interesting and entertainment factor will be less(lot of downside info like reportedly 6+ crores loss for producers at 2003 and also director didn't take salary and infact the latter director capped Sundar.C hinted that Kamal made this movie as an influence and to satisfy his intellectual associate. Indeed was in development hell briefly with Priyadarshan been replaced and also the heroine i guess) .Finally i saw this movie and was shocked to know that an Indian feature film has good quality without any artificial entertainment.To my knowledge the theme of humanity i first saw was on the 1940 feature film "The great dictator",Schlinder's List and many great movies.But this movie was striking direct on it's theme with it's relevant plot. Actor Kamalhaasan is one of the few unique distinguished film personality in India who has been making car...