ON Self Belief

Based on my observation and self enquiry ,i used to take notes every day on how our mind works and how we can improve.After accumulating the facts for around 90 pages,i was stunned to know the solution for all difficulties in our life would be "self belief".I have heard this words "Self belief" before,just on theory level,but now i realised the value and depth of its meaning.Because self belief lets us to execute action with concentration,gives clarity and enables us to think on a single point without any distraction or confusion.It also improves our listening,observation and never creates conflict with people because it helps us in not feeling inferior.Self belief is energy in thought level ,which prepares us to face life,without running away from the problem. I guess self belief is not a big secret,mostly everybody knows it.Then what's the barrier that's not letting us to apply self belief.It's because we have an image about our self but we haven't believed in that.The nature of the self is invulnerable,which cannot afford to loose,rather wants 100% success.So we are always afraid to do something new,execute activity with confidence because we expect 100% success due to the image,identity, or ego for which loosing is dieing and gives enormous fear.Fear infects our thought and it's actions.We should always believe in our self,because only if we are convinced about ourselves,we could make others believe in us.Believing in our self also makes us comfortable about our self and helps us to present our self to others,without any confusion or hesitation.Because of it, connecting and communicating with people also improves. Conclusively,self belief is creating a sense of existence in our thought by ourselves,instead of comparing and feeling sense of existence only being better then others.The fruits of self belief would be facilitation of sharp,hasty less thinking which could make right thinking followed by right action.Self belief should be a mantra we need to follow in life,for being balanced,happy and successful in life.


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