ON Tamil movie Nayakan(1987)

I watched this movie recently on TV for 5th time,but i didn't feel boring or outdated.Especially what made the huge difference in this movie is the screenplay.It has provided a solid foundation for all the achievements this movie has done.Especially it creates great opportunity for the actors to show their skill,because it comes with a solid sensible reasonable situation.Actors cannot operate by themselves in a movie,it is based on the imaginary situation they can connect to the scene and portray their performance.So this movie comes out with some good acting performances,right from Kamal,Janagarag,Delhi Ganesh,Kartika. The next thing comes to my mind after screenplay is background score.Composer Illayaraja enhances the beauty and power of each scene by his excellent background score.P.C.Sreeram and Maniratnam has done great team work in executing the scenes with visual treat for eyes.Balakumaran's dailogues is very apt and good.The movie was made in 1987 ,but still it is of good quality.It is one of the movie selected by Time Magazine as "All-Time 100 Best Films. Director Maniratnam has given new dimension to the word perfection in his work.i.e.,perfection is not adding something new,it is deletion of unwanted things. Great team work.Good movie!!

Little bit of sentimental overdose music and scenes are depicted which is inevitable in gangster movies to make it heavy, but the character graph is so perfect in the movie. Eventhough old age makeup of lead character is not attempted, seems like there are too many good things in movie to adore. But it has reduced the risk of being artificial. The introduction of lead character in terms of camera is legendary and classic. Needless to mention it is inspired from the 1972 classic pic The Godfather, but still Indianisation by the director is perfect as adding real time Indian gangster life in it add some value to the movie and makes a huge difference. The car driving(with daughter), killing(inside car for killing his wife) and policeman asking help for his daughter, parallel run of hindu rituals on killing hero's wifes killers pays homage to its source. Usage of local yelling in movie is brave for being 1987 pic. Some of the movie feels and hidden cliches are outdated yet it stands out for the effort, uncompromisal quality and change in movie making on tamil films first attempted. Editing is fantastic and quick synopsis of heros life on climax and the bed time song played after saying bye to his daughter in train is classic. Final words, The hero looked like Al Pacino(infact bettered) and bettered Marlon Brando in acting by sheer passion and hard work. Definitely this not run of a mill movie.The film got released on oct21-1987(Diwali day?) and been recently called out by lead actor for creating the movie with real passion despite financial challenges given by its producer. The glory of this been movie is being overloaded on their creators.


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