ON Confidence - Confidence in Belief and the Belief of Confidence...

I wanted to discuss the most commonly used terms in the walks of life of a common man.Following are the few:
Analogy Hypothetical
Apparently or obviosuly Landline
However the most common one is confidence and belief.I wanna discuss about them.
The belief is the most hyped word in my life which i am exposed to.That too its been quiet often associated when we are upon religion.I do not intend to attack specific or all releigion (hoping its because not of fear) as i find no issues with it,expect for the fact sometimes the advocates demands or force or expect us to accept or acknoledge or believe they are the ones who are always right.As i only see religion as an honest man said as below ,
Many, many men have been just as troubled morally and spiritually as you are right now. Happily, some of them kept records of their troubles. You'll learn from them — if you want to. Just as someday, if you have something to offer, someone will learn something from you. It's a beautiful reciprocal arrangement. And it isn't education. It's history. It's poetry."
Belief shouldnt happen before knowing something 100percent and non holisically.If it happens to be before that then its expecting success emotionally,dependingly in fear and blindly cheat ourself that things will happen in our favour,that too without logic and its sort of a shortcut which is a aspect of dishonesty. The second over hyped word is confidence.As nowadays in a world of comparison and competition,superficial self developemnt content advocates this word as a sort of liberation of our uninspired life.But people assume defense,feeling superior and taking care of ourself as confidence,which isnt so.Confidnese is just understanding ourself 100 percent perfectly and always welcoming and acknowledging anything without fear and filled with happiness.Dont imagine yourself to be superior without knowing truth as it will always falter like the roman empire that easy.As things tend for high will always fall down,its a cycle of nature.You can build the empire of imagination with your basement of truth which contains truth about yourself and world as much as possible.Anybody can imagine,only great men will strike or be striked upon truth.Get as much truth as possible and work out as much as possible,this will do the background emotion of belief and confident to be stable and depth.


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