ON Hollywood movie American Beauty(1999) review=Cinematic Beauty

American beauty is one of my favorite movie,which inspired the interest of movies into me because it was a great cinematic beauty.This movie is a character drama,with beautiful music composition,awesome acting performances,excellent execution by the director.The person who deserves a special mention is the writer Alan Ball who has written an excellent script with the touch of poetry,philosophy. The major story line would be 42 year old Lester Burnham likes to have relationship with his daughter's friend and a gripping climax for it.Even though the story line is odd,highlight of this movie is about the 7 characters.All the 7 characters are empty,lonely,sympathetic,feeling inferior on their life and desperately seeking outlet for their uninspired life. Lester Burnham ------------- 42 year old living in Suburban,Dissatisfied and angry with his average life and there is no fun in his life. outlet: ------ He flirts with daughter's friend,quits job and tries to recover fun in life. Carolyn ---------House wife who is terribly empty,craving for self esteem.Values money more then anything in life. outlet: ------She tries to become successful real estate business women,by flirting with a successful real estate businessman. Jane -----Daughter of Lester and Carolyn,who is unhappy due to her parents,who go their way,and doesn't bother her life. outlet: ------She finds her next door guy Ricky lovable and matching her wavelength. Angela Hayes -----------jane's friend who aspires to make career in modelling.She feels there is nothing worse then being ordinary.Pretends to be smart. outlet:------Reciprocates her friend's father flirting interest. Frank Fits ----------- He is a Colonel,whose interest lies only in area of military,disciplined,monotonous,aggressive on ideologies. outlet:------becomes gay,attempts for sexual intercourse with Lester Burnham Barbara --------House wife who has become robotic,empty and has no liveliness in life.Just does her family duties and lives like a robot. Ricky -----Son of Frank fits and Barabara,who was mentally ill briefly is fighting life with his strict,arrogant father and empty life. outlet: ------Drug addict and sells drug.Loves his next door girl Jane and has passion with camera to capture the beauty of life. Basically story oriented drama wont be fun,gripping,but this movie is amazing due to realistic characters,reasonable content. I think it would take years to make a movie of this quality and perfection.Great work.


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