ON Come September movie and top movies ranking

1 Children Of Heaven(1997)
Realistic Iran movie,Inspiring,simple and unique great story
Milestone graphical presentation with professional entertaininment,nice mixture of all emotions with good songs
3.The Godfather(1972)
Great story flow,acting,with sharp content
4.The Shawshank Redemption(1994)
Professional story telling
5.Forrest Gump(1994)
Philosphic,poetic with great acting
Complex story,raw and good presentation
7.Pulp Fiction(1994)
Iconic non linear edit with innovative fun oriented screenplay
8.Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade(1989)
Great execution of action with enjoyable story plot
9.Phone Booth(2002)
Gripping thriller,creates tempo for quality thriller
10.American beauty(1999)
character drama/black comedy
Philosphic,poetic with great acting,perfect execution
science fiction/fantasy
Enjoyable science fiction/Innovative story/great imagination and execution
Pioneering closeup shots,story has fun and style
Most inspiring cinema,pioneering the most popular concept=transform of a bum to hero
14.Gods must be crazy I&II(1980)
Great innovative content
15.21 Grams(2003)
Character drama
Innovative,reasonable emotional drama with great acting and content
Movie title: Phone Booth (2002)

Quality thriller of the century

Author: reachrajdream from Chennai, India
13 January 2006
I saw this movie 2nd time and i felt the same experience as the first time,even though its a thriller.I forgot myself for 30minutes in between the movie.Colin Farell does awesome performance,excellent script moving beautifully in every second and of course director has executed in an enjoyable way.It's a great experience watching this movie,please don't miss it.It deserves more awards and recognition. Great work Phone Booth team.Altogether this is true masterpiece of Hollywood history beating Hitchcock and other great thrillers.Its 100% thrill guaranteed and it brings great involvement inside the story,Sutherlands voice enhances phone booth to great extent.
 Movie title: Come September (1961)

why people forget this kind of classic

Author: reachrajdream from Chennai, India
19 April 2006
*** This review may contain spoilers ***
I always feel Hollywood movies are not superior to world cinema,when it comes to comedy.But this movie was so enjoyable,because there has been no artificial efforts to make comedy,rather it comes with story and sensibly also.I would rate this movie as nourishing experience,which made me feel it is good movie with quality. Don't miss this movie,light hearted movie with well organized content.Movie is for everyones eyes without any violence.The same directors has made peck's Oscar winning movie,which is no surprise.Acting was good,story was in good pace,the end was satisfying.Italian people has influenced Hollywood movies a lot,which is reflected on movie.Music was also enjoyable and unforgettable.Why there is less vote and rating for this movie,of course no Oscars also??!!Movie lovers save this kind of cinema and value this old treasure.We can remake this movie with Robin in lead.I assure this movie would give happy and fulfilling feeling,which is purpose of viewing movie.
Source:My IMDB profile:


Anonymous said…
hi dude,
I think you forgot to mention your Hollywood eye-opener "American Beauty". Slowly I will read all your blog and pass comment..

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