This is really a story kind of or filmy word, yet the writeup is done a lighter way inspired from the quote on a movie as below(not directly linked just inspired):
 "Revenge is a dish best served cold."

I really wanted to know why do we feel like taking revenge.To me revenge is nothing but giving back the same amount of of pain as he suffered to the opponent.
When somebody hurts and provokes our revenge it means we have felt sense of somebody being better then us.Why are we not feeling not comfortable by letting other person better then us?Its because we have this thing called selfishness or ego which feels its sense of existence only by better then others.As a result it never likes letting somebody to be better then us,so we become restless and neurotic until we get back our sense of existence by taking revenge and feeling better then the person.We feel our sense of existence only in relationships,occupation and sometimes in hobby,rest of the time we suffer in not feeling our sense of existence.Human beings mainly depend on their sense of existence by comparing with others and feeling better because we have no other available easy option.Infact we get this fear which makes us very nervous and do some crazy things when we don't feel our existence.

Eventhough am not of politics type, have heard that Sep11 US Newyork twin tower attacks were done upon on Lebanon attacks by US which is sad. Gandhian theory is the most famous on handling this psychologically. Actually forgiving is one step ahead of revenge, its just a momentary stage which we need pass through and not stay upon. Rationally everyone knows we cant get back what we lost by revenge. This theme been explored in many movies and literature(the 2000's Hindi Movie Sanjay Dutt + Rajkumar Hirani's Lage raho munnabhai) the Gandhian theory. Infact the violence in the movie plus video games are considered to be entertainment which itself says the anger which invariably results in revenge is part of our human psyche can be channelised to into positive areas as its just an energy. I feel that we can clearly communicate to them what opponent have done in a presentable way and convince them.I am an optimist and always trusted in human beings good side.To take revenge is a stupid thing,useless,silly and neurotic thing. Hate is too great a burden to bear. It injures the hater more than it injures the hated.

Finishing with old quote even though bit of a cliche:
"Eye for an eye makes everyone blind".


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