ON Belief in God - Shall we question why do we believe?
I meet my friends every weekend and stay in their room for sometime to have fun and cherish our friendship. Few weeks before I met my friends and they were chatting vigorously on the subject of religion. I never got involved in this kind of conversation, because religion is sensitive and personal thing. But ,I was observing closely on how aggressive the argument went and strained relation of our friendship. The reason why I don’t involve myself in religious subject is that because obviously everybody would have no time or opportunity to explore,analyse and search deeply the meaning of it.So,obviously ,if anyone involves in this subject its going to be very superficial with few information they have heard, read and mere ego sake momentary thing, which doesn’t make sense at all. I always felt for those who believe, no explanation is necessary; for those who don’t believe, no explanation is possible But I am sure the way the talk went harshly made me realize that they are identified with the religion and as a result conversation went so bad.The problem with identification is that it gives strength, and remains as an outlet for uninspired, inferior life but it will make us isolated and depend on it.Not only it is part of our identification,it is our emotion or sentiment,sentiment is nothing but mere likes and dislikes. Here I don’t question why you believe certain religion, rather I only question why we believe i.e., question the psychological state of belief in mind. Psychologically we believe because belief is the outcome of wanting to be secure.Infact constant assertion of belief is indication of fear.The root of identification is security.One of the results of fear is acceptance of authority.Now we found out reason behind belief.After all we are all psychological human beings full of pain and suffering. So we need peace,security,outlet,identication from our difficult lives. Even if I get into some problems, bad health or old age troubles, I need some outlet like religion.So,let us make it a point not to attack religion,rather only question the psychological reasons. I really believe that if i want to reach far, i have to start very near and the very near is me. So we have to know us first to reach any thing in spiritual things.By understanding ourself we become aware of our conditioning also,so when you become aware of your conditioning you will understand the whole of your consciousness and bring meaning to spiritual quest.After all we are not human beings on spiritual journey,we are spiritual beings on human journey.