ON Secret of implementing self belief

It is always easy to coin a theory,concept or idea,but it takes a great deal of energy,passion,perseverance to implement it.The major aspect or the trick always lies mainly in the start.As i have been discussing self belief in my previous article,let us see on how to create self belief practically in our mind. I wont take you through some psychological concepts like subconscious mind or that sort of words to explain the implementation technique,rather present it to you in simple words,which you would be able to understand if we think together in this article.Our mind altogether can be divided into memory and thought.The functions of thought would be manipulation,comparison,correlation,etc.In simpler way we can define thought as "Reaction derived from memory".Memory as the name itself says it's meaning,it is just bundle of information,picture,etc.Thought can repeat or pay attention to store information in memory.Thought is the channel of memory. Then comes the question,where does this self belief stored in our mind.We can self enquire on our genuine capacity and create an assertive image about our self and store it in memory,by repeating or implementing some method to store in memory..Once it is stored in memory,every time thought wont be afraid of it's self,because it is safely stored in our memory.Now we can use memory to feel our self and create single point thinking,which is the key purpose of self belief.As we all know,single point thinking brings right thinking followed by right action Just like we answer our name without thinking,it becomes natural,strong when self belief holds a place in our memory. This is the core truth on self belief,I wish you all implement and enjoy the fruits of it.


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