ON Education System - School,college genuises

Am not going to straight away attack on the school,college system.My point is that text book prescribed in the school,college courses contain chosen information,which indeed is the intellectual output (as a result of finding the truth or to understand ) of a specific individual.The chosen topics are sticking to a field,and those were chosen by some superficial intellectual egoistic show of educators.To produce the information in exam to get so called marks we follow all sorts of shortcuts like memorizing,tuition classes and stuffs.This system doesn't guarantee a persons intellectuals capacity ,nor it improves unless he studies them understanding and able to give a holistic approach to evolve those information to next level.By now internet has already revolutionized education and also in future in drastic ways, but then online there is dehumanization and also there is classroom interaction amongst students and 1-1 relation with teacher is missed.Also in school they miss to teach background information and exhibit a context -practical or theoretical. In my case, i take time to receive data,be it written or said as i reject as received as my hard core idealism demand ins such a way that I understand it deeply and in my own context,speed and will to own the data i received also be thorough and authentic on data i received.when i receive data i take it to my memory establish/imagine a context and chew or zoom them until i get satisfied to feel the ownership.So i expected extensive background and context and step by step progress on explanations.(In teacher training they might give this psychology tip that for improving long term attention,this could be resolved when teacher lows their voice or confuses while talking, your ego gets offended, so you raise yourself with ego and survival mode to get the attention for long span. But be it education, personal or professional life i swear whatsoever it may be that any human until 21 years given responsibility, ownership, respect, importance and independence will shine like anything,so never protect,care,spoon feed,security and satisfaction,always keep him/her on run,hunger and on toe. Don't ever spoil children by using them as side kick and show contempt,give them due genuine credit they really deserve. Infact Chankya(a famous philosopher) says that could be out of contemporary style that never spoil child withtoo much indulgence.Rebuke and Cane helps.

Knowledge can not stay forever in memory that which we learned until 21 as we loose that which lacks practicality and out of touch with -context and application as it plays a vital role here, so we had to polish our memory after 32 on to get dullness back memory intact starting from relearning secondary school information to till date. But I remember the poem I memorized with no meaning and mantras I was taught before 10, such is the power of childhood memory. Education confirms chosen information learning via questions in exams but not guarantees efficient thinking, as prime role of education is to enable your thinking via data, but thinking quality depends on your ability of how and why via circuits your blessed with through genes. Except for math and computer programming everything is raw data except for some more aptitude papers. Thinking also depends in ownership passion responsible you have for and mostly your aggression wanting to winning yourself against anything you encounter with.circuits and responsibility and nucleus of why how answered via searching and finding through passion is what thinking is all about.

Exam questions are not nightmares it is just to confirm  what you known practically for that which is provenly learned already.But you can get into it it and make you perform.
what brings the performance is the hierarchical high you are in based on the people allowance you had for that growth, and contacts you own who strongly supports and love you.Without which even greatest person would succumb,give the students advantage of having bigger margin in everything they do in comparative and idealistic examples to get a high on what they do..Also when you enter into first step of true education and that excites your brain to live with it and it will help create interest,eventually you love to put your brain all life into it to excite your brain and make a happy living.Teachers belief or some loved ones belief in you is going to change the world forever.When there is choice there is confussion,also when there is lots of option the authenticity and consiidation and fulfillment and return guarenteed result is doubted and shaken,so always give students the authenticity of source for them to be into it.

In fact UNESCO claims Indian school syllabus is over ambitious. The knowledge which is the superior most is imparted in educational institutes may not remain in memory forever,we can hold the foundation by practice. Most importantly the class mates,seniors,juniors,teacher remain as our essential background which can remain in our life forever to talk,think and be proud about whom we can always rely upon, such is the value of education and the time we spend in these places. Children's should be made to realize that.Conclusively to me the institutions have definite set of information dumped into people for various generations.Whats the purpose,the society still stands still,no progress.We should never institutionalize that's the whole point which is inhuman mechanism or mechanical pattern running for its own survival.The point is to reach information to students on their own terms,only pre requiste is student should be hungry and willing eventhough it could be on their own terms.Studnets are enabled to e independent,responsible resulting in honest living.


priarengan said…
well said friend i also accept what you say 100%. The educationa system just a mark vending machine and mugging up system to get a stupid certificate. no place for genuine intellectuals and innovators and dreamers!!
very well said

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