ON Guru the Hindi movie - A movie about dream.

This is the third bilingual movie of film director Mani ratnam,after his flop of Dilse(1998-eventhough this is a dubbing in tamil version) and Yuva(2004).The flops of bilingual movie effort is evident in showing that there is some shortcoming when its done for both Hindi and Tamil audience.Yet there is an understanding that people like Mani ratnam or Kamal Haasan make movie on the philosophy of how it should be,rather then whom they are targeting or satifying for.This movie carries the pain,learnings and dreams Main ratnam has had right from his first Kanada movie Pallavi Anu pallavi(1983).The output of this movie surpasses his previous best work Kanathil Muthamital(2002).The story is inspired from the Business tycoon Mr.Dhirubhai Ambani(1932-2002) biography,as everyone knows.The adaptation of his biography into a movie story is been done reasonably well.The content and execution are right on spot with quality.Especially the first scene where he talks in front of empty stadium and bringing that back on climax with all people,where he makes a statement of that his dream has become true is the masterpiece.Inspiring piece of cinema. Mr.Manoj Night Shyamalam,the Indian American film director has stated that 95% of director job is casting,eventhough its a exaggerating statement,it clearly highlights the importance of casting.Actress Aishwarya resembles Mrs.Ambani and Abhishek is sufficient for the Guru character.Mithun and Madhavan are ok on their supporting roles as well.The story shows the rags to riches moments of Mr.Ambani overcoming the oppositions which is mind blowing,inspiring and unbelievable.There were few innovations like taking a romantic song lead after there were dispute between Guru and Mrs.Guru.The song ore kana yen vazhvilae is the master piece in the movie.It summarises the beautiful,emotional,poetic state of thought in dreaming and attaining the goal in opposition.I guess Rehman has recorded his dream of getting oscar in that song,which he did get in 2009.Artists are humanity and dream messengers,its an eternal favourite theme(dream)well handled in movie.The movie is about greatness of dream and the person who mastered the dream,Mr.Ambani.To sum it up,below poem:

ஒரே கனா என் வாழ்விலே அதை நெஞ்சில் வைத்திருந்தேன் கனா மெய்யாகும் நாள் வரை உயிர் கையில் வைத்திருப்பேன் வானே என் மேலே சாய்ந்தாளுமே நான் நீந்தி காட்டுவேன் நீ என்னை கொஞ்சம் கொஞ்சினால் நிலாவை வாங்குவேன்


Anonymous said…
Hi, I just stumbled upon your blog, as I am searching for a good translation of the song 'ore kana'. I can't find anything on the internet, but what I get from searching tamil translation sites the text is beautiful..
I hope you're still active on this blog, and can help me out with this!
Loved the movie, loved the songs even more.

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