ON Atheism - Should i follow God(methods prescribed in religion and others) or oppose?

There are so many silly or big questions when we approach life.Can we follow God or oppose,can i love when im 13,can i watch TV,can i read some books,can i fight for justice,can i do this and that..The point is we human being have always cultivated this habit of approaching life with a theory.(My be the reason based brain tend sus to do that)This is becasue we dont like to be opposed for what we are.That theory might have loopholes,but it could have been agreed by wide or small range of people.So we get convinced or feel comfortable that we could be justified.What happens to us if we do some prayer or ritual,for momentarily we are suspended from our so called practical activities and engage in a specific pattern or activity that is been advocated,designed and practised by our ancestors.Still when we get back to life ,we are the same person.The mental engagement of ritual,doesnt make any changes in our life scienticially. If we live spontaneously without any preparation,the fears of we being questioned will be there for our incompetencies or shortcomings.We might carry a specific names or philosophies constantly and insist or expect others to adore for those names and philosophies you utter.This also means that you feel excited that you are safe.But yet your are still approaching life with a theory in a emotional way.Then how do we live,if these are all not perfect.One whould not have shoulds and should not.One should live or adjust the moment spontaneosuly.Dont live or fight for a belief.If the moment brings fight,fight.Fight totally,intensely.Live in the moment,be alert.Out of that alertness whatso ever happens,enjoy it.Belief is the urge of wanting to be secure.All beliefs sucks.Its meant for security,so we got convinced,prejudiced,excited so hastily,fastly on the belief.You wanna pray,do some ritual or oppose a theory of god,do it intesnely being aware of the moment,the object is not the point.To live in the moment spontaneosly and intensely,with all your heart and soul in the moment is the point.Infact achievers are the people who live moments of life intensely.You can pray god ,do some ritual or be advocate of atheist,the object doesnt matter,Live intensely,with all your attention into what you do,so that you can be genuine and honest.So,live intensely,enjoy life and go by the path given by your awareness.Live intenselyInfact to learn this art of living intensely we need to practice meditation i ass u me.This spriritual lovers who opppose practical life and people for their own reasons,try to attaina a psychologically perfect state,which they call as love,living,spontanity,meditation.This perfection is complicated and strainful thing.They hate suppression,which isnt normal as they believe because they believe in psychologically perfect state.Suppression is to oppress the natural flow of certain tendency in thought.But we can also say that suppression isnt a bad thing,afterall life is just a habit.If this suppression is going to yield us some good results,why cant we try?But it might burst out as its been suppressed and impact in some other bad activity as an outlet.But i believe we can create enviroment and habit to overcome the bursting of suppression,thats ration,moral human.the point is we must be in total conrol and consciously achieve and enjoy stuffs in life rationally,emotionally,intellectually.


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