ON Domination - Control

I wonder why we are violent,aggressive in controlling others.Where all its spread out?Parents on their child,teachers ont their students,bosses on their sub ordinates,husbands on their wives.The controllers justification is that when we give freedom or let them have their own thoughts and implement ,they take advantage and overtake them.Can we genuinely control people?Almost all people,sorry no people are genuinely controlled.They only act,pretend,fake by their expression,body language words by their fake words in fame of controller.But yet we demand them to act in the favour of us.(controller).Because the controllers position let them demand others to do so.This is conditioned,i give you this and protect and you act as per my control.Then whats the right way to live?ontrolling essentially is for selfish gain by exploitation.Controlling is a politics run by irrational humans,whose presence would give us the feeling of gutter.They are the most under confident,fearful,talentless people selfish people.Controlling is driving a car,you need to pay intense attention and react accordingly.The point is when you attend you ensure nobody dominates,you retain,safe gueard for what you are.Society is a complex society,i collectively society the group of famililies inter acting things to run this business,politics of society.This system is fomed on the reason,so thschool,job system has sucked 90%,nobody is happy with their outout and society's acceptance,reaction,cooperation.Probably man has to discover better systemwhich doesnt have a loophole,which cannot be run by politics.People neeed to understand the system and their need to mutually benefit each other.Anyways we need do as best as we could to deal with society and live happy life.


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