ON Thinking - Brain Brain cells fire in patterns,can we break that from our influence from society conditionings and brain tendency?

Whats the single worth of being an intellectual,afterall tamil cinema comedian Koundamani is my favourite intellectual. Most of the time he and another comedian M.R.Radhas cynical view on actuality and the commonly believed ideas is been opposed in a angry way. There is a point in questioning ,but when their is a genuinity we need to agree it. Intelleculity is a fence to protect ourself from our shortcoming to overcome the moments efficiently we are going to handle on the presence,opposition of others and protect our attention,which indeed ensures our consciousness.Intellectuality can be said as,starting from our observation to the moment we are attending(afterall life is collection of moments,and brain is collection of thoughts)and process it efficiently with existing information and our reason to cater the need of the moment and give an output which could essentially produce efficient result enabling us to progress and get throught the moment successfully,standing out from others who run the business of life by politics,superficiality,psuedo intellectuals,show offs.In process there is a lot of understanding on various inferences,inter reference,relations ,yet on output we are to communicate that which is needed for the moment and people around us. Input,process,output like computer is our IQ or intellectuality.Then whats the difference between computer and us,its empathy.The process ensures or promises results blocking loopholes in a scientific manner.(on reason,proof).The point is to give an holistic thought,which is not mere opposition of peoples insistence or communication on their thoughts(which seems to be fashion of current so called competitive society,its an indication of greed,mere fake stupid ego which is the result of pinch of under competiveness in themselves,not respecting,valuing,understanding others genuity and reflecting only their own pain of inferiority). To oppose at times is ok which works out probably 60% or lesser times because most of the time people around us act on their own pattern,comfort,momentary superficial thoughts,but for holistic thought you need to oppose the opposition thought to give an complete thought.(opposing thought is partial,superficial,whereas opposed opposing thought balances to give rational,efficient,holistic thought). Holistic thought is using different and varied types of information(activated from different regions of brain and process it for a specific goal,as the wiring between the regions is so minute,more for an intelligent person) to process.To search and find related information is the first step of intellectuality,the second and final possible step of intellectuality is to relate to seeming unrelated ideas or information to achieve our intentions.(like in marketing,using all sorts of information in our favour or like an artists)Intellectuality observes an information,distorts,plays with it,judges and has opinion and enforce it to achieve our goals.Intelligence, then, is the ability to attain goals in the face of obstacles by means of decisions based on rational (truth-obeying) rules.Fleshing this idea out further by noting that intelligence consists of specifying a goal, assessing the current situation to see how it differs from the goal, and applying a set of operations that reduce the difference.Yet i believe in poetry that,Pain creates consciousness,talent is a flower floating in the sea of gutter of politics that society created.


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