Whats the essential ingredient that makes the chemistry flourish between boss and subordinate.Its satifying him.Whats the expectation of a boss,its to do actions and give expression in such a way to make sure that boss is always in control of you,which gives him him security of his position.Security is a emotional thirst born out of lazyness,its an greed not knowing the limitation of his current role.The emotional state of Secured,is the result of not wanting to confront every moments by thinking hard and getting through it.Want to make that secured state of thought always in place,thats also not knowing no limitation.That security indeed becomes stronger when the suffering of others increases,which is a tendency of human thought ,its an optional possible thought process.So they enjoying seeing others suffer.Every human has that tendency,which can be possibly cleared or stabilised by a rational stand.Whats the duty of a boss: 1)To find fault.(crtic) 2)To correct them.(Teacher) 3)To give a quality leadership ,wherein there isnt a scenario where the sub-ordinates work goes out of place.The worst boss in the one keeps on blaming to protect himself.This indeed is a ideal approach,which can be attained only on quality and holistic thinking of leader.Why this boss-subordinate hierarchy is born because its an thought process we developed right from school,get work done by fear.In work place,its by questioning.But bosses can be satisfied,if you make them like you by being submissive,saying yes to all,never opposing.They would take care of you like parent to a child with compassion,even if your work is not with efficiency.Bosses exploit and enjohood the firhoods of labour staying in AC,they take away the credit of labours and grab it.On a postive note,good bosses can be made by makking read them this article and if they have capacity to get insight and break their thought pattern.:)