On writing - literature and movie stories

Ive seen movie adaptation from various sources like short story,novella,novellete,poem,non fiction,existing movies.But we keep hearing from the author and reader of the book that its no match to the book.Infact most of the borrwoed material are the ones that make a good movie,not when written directly.The bengali novel Pather Panchali,a radical movie seeded in the audience,critics and artists is been said by its novel writer that this is not what i had written.There are few more writers who stops giving stories as a result of their disatisfaction on there first few(JD Salinger for eample after his short story adaptation).Reading and watching is quite a different thing,on watching the audience enjoy the indulgence of detailsof every scene,whereas on reading active participation and intelligence of reader is required.Visual extragavanza can never be replaced by words,words can never be replaced visually on the narration,densely packed commentaries and theme. Ive heard that Ernest Hemmingway commented on movie adaptation as "Take the money and run". How about the vice-versa,movie story appearing in magazine.Yes,its been tried.Movie story appearing in magazine is been tried in the magazine Anandha vikatan for the Kalkis story "Thyagaboomi".Kamalhaasan's "Vikram" happened in 1985 for Kumudham,same with some Bhagyaraj film "Mouna geetham".
How to write good stories:
Never judge a book by its cover-but good story some or most of the times can be identified by good, relevant,interesting title,nice character name(can observe this in Tamil film Director Maniratnam movies like Surya,Deva, Sakthi, Inba etc) and identity.A story is nothing but should have start,middle,End(starting from Aristotle everyone has this underlying format rule and even MJ says this in all his songs it has this format). This rule applies even for movies-but indeed Tamil movie format is like novel and English movie format is like short story.All form of stories should be a byproduct of our intense experience or reading on any field.We get the lead there. We will wirte the same thing as like we see in mirror repeatedly of we dont read and updated ourself. Literature should contain timeless truth,otherwise it becomes an dairy,sometimes a kids dairy with dry,dumb,boring,useless information on our routines,casual things with no significance that do not deserve attention.What makes you the writer is the ability to see invisible truth and visible ironies,mistakes.The writer just hits light on truth,focusses and gives his commentaries.The writer shows the reader what they have seen and havent in life.In movies,suspension of disbelief is more.The writer leaves certain bits of description empty to been filled by the readers.Literature is philosophical medium exhibiting the intellectual stuffs such as ,the description,narration,simile,as it's writers cup of tea.
The first and foremost major aspect to give a gripping story is the character developement.All the story contents are just graph to take character to heights.And your graph must be moving higher to make your audience to enjoy the empathy and fulfilling part.All succesful stories has perfect character developement supported by interesting ingredients.But again theory is just how we apply the story not how and what to think to make story.Story-the content is all ,you should have stuff,thing generated irrespective of the source thats worth telling as its interesting. And again the story is only a mere vehicle for theme.Theme is what makes the writer and the reader that they are upon something,where we could make sense out of the fiction.And the truths inside the fiction also matters.Eventually,literature definition by Noble committee is ..,"in the field of literature the most outstanding work in an ideal direction" .So,ideal is the key for literature.Anybody who has the nature of producing ideals and feel irresistible to be without sharing can write.One way to define story in a context is "Story is driven by the feeling of the main character".


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