ON Rationality - Rational algorithm

In this  world,which is accustomed,tended,admant to hold a belief that comforts them,why cant we have a method to rationally asess and understand.Belief is an stand which is isnt open to new things ,because they are emotionally attached,convinced and hidden,taken hostage in to a theory which helps them to be on top leaving behind the cynicsts.Belief is the medium of seeking security,which on contrary invites insecurity.We cant afford to fix on a logic,as logic is in place holding all things in still with reservations and life is dynamic and open to possibilities and conditions.Especially we need a approach to confirm on whats been told or tempts us to believe.When you read books like "The autobiography of an yogi",where flying,seeing and explaining things that are fantasical and harry potter kind of things happen,am afraid to reject these things nor like to believe without been convinced rationally.I want to have a theory wherein i can  convictedly believe and not believe.First thing is dont believe,you digest the truth that is evident you need not hold on with fake pride,pseudo intellectually.Scientific skepticism is what any ratioanlist would bound to suggest.However i cant guarantee 100 percent on this theory,but i assure you this is the  possible maximum expansion humans could reach.Under this principle, one must question, doubt, or suspend judgment until sufficient information is available. Skeptics demand that evidence and proof be offered before conclusions can be drawn.One must thoughtfully gather evidence and be persuaded by the evidence rather than by prejudice, bias, or uncritical thinking.So the below methods are meant for digesting truth,and stands with us as like things that are with us as what we experienced in childhood.Again,dont believe this theory:)
1.Occam's razor(originates from William of Ockham ,1285–1349,popularised by 11 and 12th century philosophers including Aristotle in 3rd century BC) states when number of possibilities are explained,believe the simpler one.
2.Questions like how,why,when.As we know "We make our world significant by the courage of our questions and by the depth of our answers."
3.Reliabilty of source.
5.Question the possibilties and use example,common sense despite the commands and control of the sources.
Please add some more if you find anything left out or had to delete the existing one.


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