Self Development article - thingZ realiseD on steppinG yearS

First thing i realized is that am getting younger. It will become saturated to live like Steve Jobs told to live life in a tight way everyday realizing the life is a countdown. Anyway my quick list of this moment:
1.Realized the meaning of value, responsibility, ownership wished could have happened much earlier.
2.  Realized Always learn to think for yourself as family, friends, job cant keep securing you all the time.
3. Realized Nobody will care on your dream, so if you really value go for it on time and break the barriers and enjoy pain and pleasure.
4. Every people, event, activity in every moment of life should be given 100% commitment as life is DYNAMIC and cant go back. To carry it we need to live 100%
5. Your wife or girl friend is just another being with own personality and cant be the way you want all the time.
6. Every thing in life should have its own place-nothing less or nothing more. And be open minded and never be on a comfort zone, if at all life is comfortable for you it means you are in wrong place. Believe me, life is worth suffering.
7. Things we adored, valued , appreciated and thought as the greatest of all time would be nothing down the line some years.
8. Exposure is very important  in life and its worth taking risk for new exposure. And have control on your liking's, not to forget that if you like something, behind that could be a marketing strategy to reach you.
9. Create s space(a place earned and secured where we have control and people recognize and allow you that space) for yourself in personal and professional life so that we don't end up being now here.
10. Don't over appreciate, satisfy on anything-learn to be balanced(respect everything equal with no high and contempt respect).
11. If you love or get satisfied in something doesn't mean you have to be slave and inferior to that entity - be it person , thing or a theory. Don't be stagnated with a person or belief which does not help you progress and don't Satisfy people and things by being inferior as people and life will keep moving and changing.
12. Transformation from job to career  to be quicker. Make this happen quick by the way you are or changing places. Rejections are obvious as aligning and being in peace with human mind is the most difficult thing as each person is living with his (in)security, belief, sensitive and comfort zone.
13. Tricky part of marriage is that nobody will enter to solve any problems in your life or life partner, suddenly everyone becomes third person and your GF / wife becomes first and second person.
14. You need people and reference to get along life in your way - talent apart.
15. Be it education or job get hold of it real quick and be engaging and progressive in life. Start focusing, training, engaging on a single field or a thing persistently from the age of 10 till your last breath which makes you progressive, steady, stable, confident, engaging and helps you be less lost and troubled in your entire life.
16. Do not engage in anything which is not progressive for you. But be grounded it will help you to handle things when you fall down on certain things and retire at one point of life.
17. Disobeying and asking questions is required sometimes and not a sign of inhumanity or you being bad. And always be self recognized(instead of self appreciate, criticise) and value yourself  and be focused to generate confidence naturally.
18. Don't trouble yourself and others with ideal. Never compare but benchmark. Always have a goal and keep achieving it and figure what,why,when to do to reach a goal. If not able to figure out or achieve, ask people. Believe me always ask people, people don't do it themselves for you!!
19. Don't engage yourself without your own consent ( means don't be unfairly dominated). Balance between humanity and competence and know which one for backseat and which one for action. Learn/drive attitude on Survival and competition from young age as some or most time we might require both in life.
20. Be sensitive to women as they live so much in their mind.
21. Value education, learning and job(s), people. There is a certain attitude we need to have towards people and  learning, to have both coming onto us. Be careful on education because if your job is education oriented give your best in education because we might have to double our hardwork in career to compensate education missing or competent which might affect your personal life when slogging hard in career.
22. Be positive and calm as rejections are part of life and so is success. Always have a competent thought and try your best , nevertheless handwork improves chance of success. Always pay attention, respect to people, things and moments.
23. Life goes with your family background and bunch of people you have met in your circle and your exposure and most importantly it is pertain to your timeline. And it goes with the flow, always give your best -ups and downs are always possible so be open to it.
24. And don't expect your theory to fit in with people and life. There is no fixed theory to approach life, it goes with the flow. And don't take people and things personally when tendency to feel offended and down through them.
25.  And finally Don't research luck and politics factor is influencing  life :)


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