ON APPLE INC - Yours sincerely -not an apple fan
Slimness and weightlessness is the corner stone of iPhone,picture,sound has nothing unique or great.The iPad to me offers the best reading experience due to its brightness and clarity and the iphone offers the best touch sensibility which intertwines our emotion.Apple is known for its taste,aesthetics, perfection.calligraphy projects the greatest technological achievement endured by the math of co-ordination calculation.The granular level of details Mr.jobs intended achieving the eccentric perfection is evident in calligraphy.
Apps pool achieving every bit of human needs is a way of changing the way software works for the way the hardware is.The hardware surpasses software in this case of advancement,they dominate the usability ,and the software works. Obvious that the software has to be made for hardware and not vice-versa exception is microsoft software.Apple products indirectly hits the Zen philosophy.
The secret of successful products starts from the name,identity,unique selling point.The name Apple when all techies/business tycoons opted for intellectual names Mr.Jobs opted for simple name apple which helped for the Newtons breakthrough invention.The idea of ipad is existing in Jobs mind starting from early 1980's but it took him for 25 years to achieve the imagination/dream true or becoming ALIVE,one of the best brain child of Mr.Jobs.The product is achieved by bashing the existing walls which is considered to be a non conformist and alternate thinkers choice,but a new wall is been created now making people opt for alternate products by alternate thinkers.
An explicit dominator of his time known for his arrogance,aggression towards people and goals.Born to a Muslim father and an American mother never having respect for his parents ignoring him,but indeed he his good tipper when his father served him the restaurant he ate.His education is in terms of regular is limited only to high school but an solid intellectual he is.Influenced by a photography pioneering man,he himself a fan of art,philosophy and photography which is evident as he did photography for his friend oracle founder.He contributed for the animation movies growth as well.I heard he never believed in charity,which is really interesting.