ON villains in stories

Stories and villians.What makes a story interesting or gripping is the villian.Villian is the quintessential part of a story,story will sag without him.People who follow tamil movies,would say the m.n.nambiar as the first villian,if you see the commercially successful well reached stories in literature or movies,obviously you would see an interesting,aesthetically appealing villian.Just recall the villians dominating in super hitmovies,like endhiran,padaiyappa,gilli,Harry potter stories,the good,bad ,ugly(the famous eli wallah),star wars series,the dark knight,the silence of the lambs,the usual suspects,even Titanic to a certain level.Villians can explore out of box thinking not sticking to standards of society which is trapped in fake things and selfish theories.Obviosuly you could point some more important movies with villians,however there are stories with no villian,that are successful also.Who is villian anybodywho is opposing,or having conflict with hero is.This is the general way its seen in stories.In reallife there are also villians,there are constatnt oppositions,without them the life would be bore and deserted. I will tell an inetersting villian character read in literature,its been created by writer kalki(psuedonym, real name is Krishnamurthy),in his 2 important stories,sivagamiyin sabadham and ponniyin selvan.In the earlier,its naganandhi(and his twin pulikesi),latter one is Nandhini(nowadays women villians are common,bored howevered both these were released on 1944,1950s.) which inspired for the movie Padaiyappa.His boring novels are due to the presence of no villian(the social novel alaioasai),eventhough he created passionately the socail novel with political freedom as theme.His works are of dense platofrm,thick imagination,neat flow,reasonalably innovative climax.Even,there are directors in movies who focus more on villian.Coming back to Kalki,his writings are very long,yet worthy and neat.He is a well stuffed,good aesthetics,talented writer who isnt going to mess for the sake of commercialism,Light humour is also part of him.In fact there was a time in my life from 16 to 26 i took hostage on movie and literature stories as the ultimate intellectual source. In fact yes it is but limited in the fence of story as the theme,info is relevant to story only.Not only me ,many out of box explorers respect and try authors like Kalki and Chetan Bhagat as their first superficial attempt.I tried so first of Kalki when i was 16. I remember talking about Ponniyin Selvan when i was 16 to my uncle Ravi,who was connoisseur of stories,as he attempted an reread when he was even 45.

Just like villian,tit for tat is another line which kind of stories always hit the audience and do well in all levels.


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