ON Rajesh - Takes lot of courage to make a fool out of yourself or it takes lot of fool(ishness) to make courage out of yourself?

I have been writing all the blasphemies and blah-blahs(am too cynical at times?,sometimes it is a barrier for me to emerge,sometimes a hit to carve the statue) all through this blog,there could be an irate audience(again,if any) who could be wondering who the hell is he or whats this guy all about.But if you are in not interested in the author,I humbly request you to skip this article and take a look at some of my article that suits you.Even-though i cant compress my life or express myself in the single article,let me try so that you can relate the author of this website and make a face out of it,if it really bothers.Guess I've worked(hard?) to deserve a article for myself.

Let me confess and start from here succinctly(on contrary to the rule enforced upon me, "destroy evidence that which we failed"),I am a failure writer/actor (no publicized/credited/commercial benefit from blog. Apart from blog Ive unpublished and so unperceived works,resulting in no pay,haven't performed on bigger stage),reasonably successful early salaried career years (not climbing ladder in expected (s?)pace,but getting paid only for this for my living),yet haven't given upon these and looking forward to edit this word from failure or average or decent success to known grand success(to me and for others well rationally realised) down the line someday.Anyways i am still chasing at it,so that it could take me to a place and open curtains to show something worth which serves the worth of my life.

Writing is mere carpentry as Gabriel Marquez says,the Noble Laurette.How and what we fit matters,how we relate each one (as like the timber is screwed to connect to make a figure and purpose-like chair and table)aesthetically gives figure-further the screwed points to fit the timber are the ones of our contribution .Ive a natural way of making unnecessary,irrelevant thoughts that are not to the practical life(so no release of it unless i write) and as well as am good at carpentry(unfortunately the only thing I am good at) that has made me to write and blog.Since,its an independent forum to make my rational thoughts to hit truth which is filled with ideals,it suits me.Regarding writing subject i choose,any timeless truth deserves to be written which is the cardinal rule for publishing or writing,however i don't obey this always.I try to write what makes sense,does that makes sense?I write when ever i get a chance as i don't get the luxury or privilege of it,but mostly when am not at regular job which i do for my living.I grab my read and write in interstices.When do i make out on what to write is like asking,when i think?I don't have reliable answer for this in the mess of disorganised and (ir)relevant thoughts,as i am unsure when it happens,small inspiration and pains kicks off.I live in Bangalore now by Dec-2015 (Chennai earlier, country is India-mother tongue is Tamil and father tongue is English.(Man of no land ive lived in US,UK for sometimes and places like Vellore, Tanjore, Kanchipuram and Tambaram, T.Nagar, Thirvuvanmiyur (Tamilnadu cities) in India) and regarding how old i am?-i haven't completed 30 orbit around at this point of writing article Sun.And if you want to contact me,shoot an email to : rajeshon@gmail.com My writing and sharings here would already created an impression on what i like and not.First and formost i write because ive no compulsion to write under pressure or no scrutiny involved in it,just like we do education,job and get married.

Despite,if you could ask,why i write,below is the answer(which i told myself when i had raised in me):
I write because I chase ideals or end up with it when gone through imperfections in walks of life.
I write not to escape from life, but rather escape into life.
I write to know myself and the world, as I’m the result of world and world is the result of myself. And I am the world.
I write to paint the source I received and produce interpretation that is intertwined with my ego.
I write to be credited, not for the brilliance but for the value I created.
I write to see the whole picture by stepping outside the frame.
I write because there are things I’m certain that’s right which can’t have any duality.
I write to channelize excessive flow of information born from information i received, which is been synthesized, collided to form a organized output which has beauty of its own, which won’t serve any means for my practical life, as it only rests in my brain. I bring them out by means of writing to lay foundation
for the academic resource of the present and future.
I write because i feel writing is taking pearl from the ocean of society and writers are society scientists who confront reality of their times, question, search, penetrate, rationalize, formulate an ideal as well. Since I suit this definition, I’m up to it.
I write because i know things for which im unable to resist the impulse to share.
I write because i believe that I know things that are worth writing. I run through lots of information, opinion and progress constantly, which deserves to be recorded as well.
I write because knowing things are the only thing worth doing in life, apart from shaving, which is what i do in the pursuit of it and enable the readers to do so.
I write to entertain and stretch the reader’s imagination.
I write because it is exciting to turn all life’s beauties and riches into words.
I write because at times i would like to refrain myself from superficial, formal,selfish talks and activities that is purely meant to run the business of life in terms of competition, survival and support seeking and giving.
I write to recall what i had read, seen and imagined.
I write to be alone.
I write because it is a consuming habit, a passion, an occupation that arrests my thought on a specific context worth travelling and coming out as an experienced person, an alternate from regular mechanical life which is the only thing life offers at times.
I write because I can partake of real life only by changing it. I write as a result of been affected by society, I write that which I failed or afraid or missed to say to the people who run so called society.
I write because I love sitting idle in a room all day writing
I write because I have an innate need to write, to extend from where I am and extrapolate information to play the game of truth.
I write because I have never managed to be happy. I write to be happy.


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