ON Internet Reading

Technology has enabled us progress and advance us in all aspects of our life.Out of which cellphones,transport facilities,TV,Computer and data carriers like dvd,all digital storage devices are some of the important ones.I proclaim that one of the important,powerful medium(among internet users) is internet.Internet as we all know has advanced many areas,specifically information sharing.The topic I would like to bring out is Internet reading or education(adult).The amount of educational kind of thing thats been done through information sharing from things like youtube and some other major websites are enormous,the reception among public is also reasonably overwhelming.Whatever you might do in practical life,shop,travel,research on topic in school/university/work-place,medical information anything you encounter in life we tend to read  in internet first,besides you can collection information theoritically anything you are curious about.But information is invisible abstract thing which we map in our brain.The word is not the thing,so had to deal with life which is dynamic,real and new always.The understanding of the reader also makes the difference,the way we associate with a solid context and received meaning and rational decision is also involved here.Source is available to all ,what matters is this 3 thing i guess.How far interbet reading helps is the question?We could see around people with some set of information from internet rushing to prove their action in excitement.Those people who think they know everything are a great annoyance to those of us who do.But thing is there is lot of difference between knowing the name of something and knowing something.That which come from reliable sources are ok,whereas that are from users are also very much practical,updated version of things,but sometimes user could feed wrong info also.

Contradictarily,have realised the power of internet by an example of a person who prepared a bomb using internet reading.Is it really possible to EDUCATE(WELL,indeed) ourself through internet?The information that are hidden(Unless you enroll a course adhering to there eligibility criterias) by university and its messangers(mean the teachers) has been overcome now by bringing them out from the university wall ,and making available to everyone through internet.Information is no ones monopoly,so nobody can boss or cheat you by using it.In internet,education occurs between computer and human where there is
a 1-1 relation,not like a teacher attending each one of his student in a reasonably populated bulk of students.I can educate myself on my own rate,own interests and enjoy support of additional features,customisation can be done in such a way it suits my approach,mood or type of brain i have accustomed through the methods and conditioning adopted by my  family and society and which is been built genetically.Amidst it cant assure that you had mastered information.Probably it can remain as a starting point,that's it?Eventually,what i could say is that Internet is tool and not the thing.Also,internet is ocean like Ganges from roses to wastes...

I've tried a few policies like avoiding frequently discussed topics or information that are in brighter side to my website, and also recommend or advocate a specific person or book here,however I would like break this now.Its through the sheer power of internet I had come to watch  Randy pauschs "The last lecture",which is good.Its the power of internet,that has enabled me to watch this man and his message.Prceisely, I can say that internet  makes living more innovative,experienced(Let me confess am not sure of its worth in practical life,as its not going to help my job?).Here is a quote I enjoyed of Randy's which I had shared below which summarises one of his important theme,
If I could only give three words of advice, they would be, "tell the truth." If I got three more words, I'd add: "All the time."

Anyways,internet is like experience(Experience is what you get when you didn't get what you wanted).Experience is free here at internet without the cost of living,you end-up with unknown random  information when you started to look for a specific thing-A BYPRODUCT. 

Can you just add your comment below this article on whether the internet has made you:
2.Or stuck up and obsessed with computer without enjoying outdoor world and NOT living life at family and job?
3.Or its great,good,average or bad(unreliable and qualityless superficial information?).

By the way,a happy new year-2011.New year day,a rational excuse to be happy.As every year passes on new year first day celebration keeps increasing,cynical view is that as time goes by people expectations are increasing,so is there sense of achievements,and be competitive.Who controls the past controls the future: who controls the present controls the past.So,past is always important.Its not that old years are expired its carry forwarded,history is binocular to find future.We have to do new approaches,thing from old things.Good to know that city(Chennai) had overcrowded gyms(resolution?),temples,shops etc.And regarding my New Year resolution this year,ofcourse its as usual "Always 1024 X 768" :)


Anonymous said…
Internet made me know lot of things, know lot of people. But not sure whether it made me "Intelligent"! :)

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