ON Blog!

The same way as like i texted google in google,i would like to write about blog in blog.
It really helped me to show that i am not alone and show am just like anyone by writing here. In fact am wondering whether i got my jobs with the help of my blog(my interviewer saw them in the last line of my resume and read them to get impressed). But yet,am wondering whether am in the right thing at wrong time? Don't ask me how to make money and popular from blog,as i don't know them. Am not sure whether am against the commercialism like Gandhi.
I read a article in The Hindu newspaper ,that blog has lost its charm. Infact there is a common notion that blog writing is not a respected one as blog writer label not impresses creative industry.The blog writers are many like a crowded buses in Indian cities.Yet,each one has his own value,they are not car,flight travelers,just a unique common man.Anyone can write,play cricket,sing,go to office,what makes the difference is what and how we do,never judge by its mere appearance. Sometimes i see respected publishing are far behind then a blog. Infact i used to read the comments of a common user in the blogs or any websites,which is really useful,as a common man always has a respectable view and out of box thinking. Even though my blog productivity is contrary to the rule Einstein told that if you are good at something, never do it free. The blog is writing of a common man most of the time,so its really precious more then regular writings.