ON Reading -What Books can and cannot do!!

After my school/college courses were over when i had to occupy all my life with job and end my education,my feeling had progressed to being a slave in prison with fear to freedom,taste for life.Actually,i was fed up with my education run by the teachers-educational bosses(Not all are bad) who demand ideals and let us down,makes us feel inferior or no good.As a result most of times when education is driven by syllabus completion,competition(resulting in inferiority or fear of staying behind),marks in exams,i had weakness to escape and fear(a major factor) from it.So there was no great involvement,satisfaction in my education.Infact i was wondering whether am a dyslexic.The biggest problem is with educators are that they don't allow to contemplate,give background information,and teach with a real context,also encourage out of box thinking and ask questions. I am convinced that there are genuine and valid levels of perception resulting in education available which are, through the defects of our society and our educational system, is been blocked.Being an middle class fake prestige society, gives a tremendous hurt,turmoil,guilt because of staying behind in education.So ,not an easy thing to deal with.Glad to know many people failed in education and yet succeeded in life and being an intellectual.

Also,am naturally inclined in various subjects/topics with a context we could relate to and start my REAL education when my school/college courses were over.Unfortunately these education isnt with any purpose in terms of certification,which would contribute for  job and marriage(in terms of qualification and money),as that would make sense..But,when it comes to reading apart from educational fences,the shops where i had seen is predominated by novels/Management/Self development books.I was wondering whether there isnt anything apart from novels in this world apart from the information imparted by educational institutions.But over the time(as like anybody else) gained the knack of selecting books,book shops and reading to know the wide variety,depth,storehouse of truth on varied fields and topics that a extra reading could offer.The book shops and libraries gave me confidence and happiness as i have direct access to source instead of retailers of education(school/university) for money and specific limit in syllabus.But this activity isnt encouraging,as reading is always a lonely job and also the education we get has only dead ends when its not applied to job or life.Any reading/education which does not contribute to action(by trigger,provoke,helping or whatever) is not worth doing it?Thats not right,the theoritical information which remains only as storehouse helps us by knowing all possible scenarios to consider on exceuting any action and enables holisticity of a human.Also,Theories in books covers all possible scenarios in the world,whereas practicality offers only man made scenarios and client made,for which we just need only presence of mind and concentration.Concentration compensates lack of knowledge,this means a lot and replaces the uses of books.But i bet reading develops your flavor with intellectualism and also its a glow added to your personality,but not sure on which part its getting added.Many swear reading hasn’t done no good to  anyone,so is non reading.Let me put it this way,Reading hasn’t done any good  ,but unreading has done good in a different context,so that we always open to new things instead of been slaved,predomintaed to old information and blocking the real new fresh perception.People think reading is the last refugee of all incompetent.Book in one hand has ability to answer anybody's reasoning.One can always blame that,one who reads books,the most restless mind they want information to guard their ego and protect their fences by intellectuality.Knowledge is indivisible. When people grow wise in one direction, they are sure to make it easier for themselves to grow wise in other directions as well.Reading strengthens in activating/enabling/elevating your brain cells to perceive life with courage,conviction and respond with depth.
Fear is always afraid of the loopholes,either you dont know looophole or dont know how to block the loophole or may be both..!!Books does this ,by making us holistic and showing all possible scenarios.
Ive been in my sweet comfort zone and expecting others to act in my favour and help me,if not irate,emotional,pathetic behaviour i had to let them and myself down,eventually me be the looser.But books enabled me to face life...

Before I read  a person’s book,I read his biography first.Its important for me,because a man shouldn’t contradict himself in writing and living.Reading is challenging authors imagination,knowledge.In  a way saying I am good enough to follow your imagination.reading is somewhat strainful to react to words ,interpret and enjoy it.Why do we want to read,becaquse mind is all alone without pictures.Thats why pictures are holy,by reading words paints us with pictures in our mind.Unsaid parts are imagined by ourself in our favourite area.When you started to smile while reading you have become a professional reader.

Reading is following and reasoning,with the help of associative memory.Only fear is the barrier for following.Reading is the most difficult thing,may be we are used to spoon feeding cultivated by our parents.To read,you need to stop the running thought which is in hastyness to match the standard of our society.To stop this and follow words and associate in our memory with burning why to understand.Reading is storing information initially and reading the rest of it by associating and understanding.Thinkers cant read,thinking is restlessness and reading is concentration.The words listened or read is been matched with already stored words and the association of its meaning,so we gather the meaning. Reading is nothing but to follow and reason.To follow,there must be absence of fear,thaats it.reasoning is done by memory,either association.Reading is perception,observation of day today casual events is observation.How it is done by matching the words and pictures that are present already and its relevant meaning,if its new then we have question why  freshly and understand what it is.Thats why we arent open to new things.Searching the relevant information on a topic is reading or writing,All books are intelltual examination on a topic of aperson,its very personal thing,why the hel li should read it. When I read I need to store certain information in my relevant database ,so that I could  have that as a remainder to understand,relate the rest of the informatioin,but i need identify certain key information to store in my memory to read and understand the rest of them.reading is always a bit of a extra mile in terms of honest efforts and expertise which will enable us to have better edge then people around us.But again concentration compenstes laclk of knowledge.So concentration is also very important.The more we learn outside,the more courage and ability we acquire to know inside.Knowing inside improves our perception as it lets in what is rather then seeing what should be or what we wish to due to courage of reality and also the reponse becomes perfect and holistic partly also because of knowledge.Also we miss the socialising element in reading.Only in socialising we have the element of emotional satisfaction by been acknowledged.We socialise in books in terms of knowledge and imagination.Life is more of reality then imagination.Again,word is not the thing.

Reading is an active and elusive experience. Every reader, reading exactly the same text, will have a slightly different reading experience...What an astonishing thing a book is. It's a flat object made from a tree with flexible parts on which are imprinted lots of funny dark squiggles. But one glance at it and you're inside the mind of another person, maybe somebody dead for thousands of years. Across the millennia, an author is speaking clearly and silently inside your head, directly to you.Writing is perhaps the greatest of human inventions, binding together people who never knew each other, citizens of distant epochs. Books break the shackles of time. A book is proof that humans are capable of working magic.


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