Super Deluxe(2019) - Tamil movie review

Super Deluxe Tamil movie review
It's a freak movie, who can only watch with a thug attitude on life and seeing life in cool different angle as a enjoyable outsider.Just like Mr. Kumararaja told that he found difficult to direct the movie Super Deluxe movie initially as he lost touch, even am strugguling to catchup writing as ive been staying away from writeups due to lack of time and strength, inspiration. This is a late review as it got released on March 29 this year, i had a glimpe of it recently on Netflix. But this time i thought of breaking the writers block for this movie response Super Deluxe which has ensemble of star cast and grandeur visuals handled by 2 reputed DOP's. What stands out in the movie is the content, narrative and visuals. The dialagues are very special especially bashing conventional views existing in society.
Super Deluxe is a fantasy universe which shows realistic character and life incidents. Am not going to over intellectualise(schrodingers cat theory, butterfly effect etc) as its just a entertainment product which is out of box. To begin with i would say Realism cinema re born with a bang. Eventhough subject is universal it is deeply seated in Tamilian life who could relate and chill. It is this matching of our real life experiences with this fantasy world without CG and incidents touches us special.
The 2 stories of one with Shilpa(changes her gender after marriage who has 1 kid, comes to meet back the family after years) & co and other with Vaembu(house wife having affair with ex boyfriend casually, who dies accidentally where the husband/wife duo tries hide the dead body like magalir mattum Tamil movie) & co. It has 2 more strange characters - Arputham Dhanasekaran & co and Gaaji & co is some what real. All these lines were in my mind as well before, so i got excited how they were handled. The 4 screen writers team really worked out as there was never a dull moment. All the characters dont take life serious and has a lighter way of seing life.The below kind of detailing is complex and unique:
1.Super Deluxe is the name of the ice-cream company whose ice-cream everyone eats at the end.
2.In the scene where Shilpa searches for her kid in the beeda shop, there is a painting which reads "MAGIC EVENT". The next second it changes to "REAL LIFE MAGIC EVENT".!!!!!!! The director just teases.
3. Key in car. Same key is used in the "vazhvin rakasiyam" posters.
4.The paintings of the houses ( a blue and white, almost like a sea for mysskin's place.. literally like he's still stuck in the tsunami).
5. Flying monkey brands shown and TV showing about Alien in Vaembu house.
In the entire narrative what stayed with me is, ~when the old man says aambala singham without knowing the actual situation and wife telling in innocent way that she thought it april fool when Shilpa back after transgendering herself. ~Rasukutty(the kid name tributing Bhagyaraj movie) preparing himself for his dads arrival and his relationship with dad.
~ The neighbour iyer family staying in the house when trying to hide dead body. Rebel dailagues of Fahad, what a natural actor he is(Kalakaru unga allu, after dead body farting). The husband and wife relationship flaws.
~How world sees Shilpa.
~Dark comdey of Teenagers getting trapped in Gangsters house.
To me Arpudham character story is special and deep, the conflict of religious belief and human life. I didnt like the climax (the mallu uncut episode)of alien and secret of life stuffs. The epilogue narration(transition shots) templated from American beauty film creates a bit of soul steering moment with final freak moment of secret of life appears which tells us to enjoy life.


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