ON Constantin Stanislavsky's acting theory - Contemplating on Subconscious mind
When Constantin Stanislavaski(17January-1863 to 7-August-1938)-the acting theory guru introduced the word sub-conscious mind,it openend a enlightening intution i discovered in myself on whats happening all in my brain.He tells when we play ourself a character in the play,we need to tell and convince subconsious mind,from there on i implemented this logic to all levels to find a new set of theory.Im no Ramana maharishi or osho or JK or sigmund Freud,these information are entirely based on my self enquiry or what i felt.
There isnt any purpose or duty in life apart from living life to the fullest.There is no specific holy activity or achievement in life.I am hoping the below information will enable us in this one and only important thing in life,LIVING LIFE IN THE MOMENT TO THE FULLEST.
Logic and imagination is the label which i give to the function of left and right brain respectively.Only if logic in place,imagintaion with depth and holisticity occurs.Imagination is the unknown that which hasnt happened yet,The FUTURE.The present and future are in control only when logic is in the place,as logic is the basement required to have imagination in place.Imagination without logic is the superficiality and hastyness.Restlessness occurs on left brain which is logic isnt provided sufficient reason.The entire theoritical background and reason must be in place for the logical leftbrain.Logic is the subconscious mind,and imagination is the conscious mind.Ego is the result of imagination,it searches for superiority through indulgence of other people around and its environment,instead of not working internally to have logic in place.
Starting from reading,casual perception and response and sex everything is 100 percent only on logic in place,i.e., convinced or stable .Living to the fullest can be attained by having logic in place and imagination in full action.Subconscious mind which is logic(left brain) is the seed through imagination(function of right brain) grows.In sleep it is the subconcious mind which takes rest.It can take rest to the fullest only after complete tiresome work only.Meditation is the permanent or prolonged sowing of the logical mind in left brain.The action is profound and clean and perfect when logic is in place.The action could be anything starting from showing love,talking,professional acting,sports or any professions.The point is to have fire on both left and right brain to core,i.e, logic and imagination resuling in highest performance and living the moment to the fullest resulting in self satisfaction and satsfaction of the ones around emotionally and intellectually.The conscious mind indicates where our sub-conscious mind works.Eventually a recap.
There isnt any purpose or duty in life apart from living life to the fullest.There is no specific holy activity or achievement in life.I am hoping the below information will enable us in this one and only important thing in life,LIVING LIFE IN THE MOMENT TO THE FULLEST.
Logic and imagination is the label which i give to the function of left and right brain respectively.Only if logic in place,imagintaion with depth and holisticity occurs.Imagination is the unknown that which hasnt happened yet,The FUTURE.The present and future are in control only when logic is in the place,as logic is the basement required to have imagination in place.Imagination without logic is the superficiality and hastyness.Restlessness occurs on left brain which is logic isnt provided sufficient reason.The entire theoritical background and reason must be in place for the logical leftbrain.Logic is the subconscious mind,and imagination is the conscious mind.Ego is the result of imagination,it searches for superiority through indulgence of other people around and its environment,instead of not working internally to have logic in place.
Starting from reading,casual perception and response and sex everything is 100 percent only on logic in place,i.e., convinced or stable .Living to the fullest can be attained by having logic in place and imagination in full action.Subconscious mind which is logic(left brain) is the seed through imagination(function of right brain) grows.In sleep it is the subconcious mind which takes rest.It can take rest to the fullest only after complete tiresome work only.Meditation is the permanent or prolonged sowing of the logical mind in left brain.The action is profound and clean and perfect when logic is in place.The action could be anything starting from showing love,talking,professional acting,sports or any professions.The point is to have fire on both left and right brain to core,i.e, logic and imagination resuling in highest performance and living the moment to the fullest resulting in self satisfaction and satsfaction of the ones around emotionally and intellectually.The conscious mind indicates where our sub-conscious mind works.Eventually a recap.
Logic--Left brain-Sub-conscious mind
Imagination--Right brain-conscious mind