ON Self Knowledge Philosopher Jiddu Krishnamurti - Why JK repeats?(On my spiritual guru

This is ON JK who lived during -Jiddu Krishnamurti- May 12, 1895 – February 17, 1986 ).He is many's spiritual guru and had not sharing about him to anyone as there are certain beauties which we cant share and also philosophy is a dry subject,where people wont like it. He cannot be labelled as the guru, anybody don't have any particular person who is their guru all life. Life is our guru,not particular person.But to push yourself to life and make the starting ceremony with first lesson in a big book of life you need a guru. A guru is only a starting point.
The guru cant find you as you have to. To dig on life we should not willing to be satisfied with superficial,comfortable,painful life which we may be hiding at. Many will get inside the learning zone only when wanting to penetrate life more then what it is ,and become desperate to know on why pain and how to overcome it.First time in life we will be bothered to dig life,strain and win it INTELLECTUALLY. Never before we could have cared on anything except for few of the fields only to certain extent on very less time. Until then we are a escapist and not willing to be hurt,so didn't undertake anything out of the way. The subject we are willing to master is a bit easy,highly complex,whats this bloody mind which is causing the stuff all around our world.I found a book called FEAR,authored by JK.Subsequently i went on to purchase few more on his name which enquired on with who am i ,the parent of the hierarchical questions and went on the travel with the rest of questions in hierarchical tree. I had spent many hours/reading(underlining key sentences and taking notes)/hearing/watching on his teachings. So graduated with no certification in society standards. Infact i wasn't proud or feeling normal on what i was doing.Then came a librarian in JK foundation,who told me "Hey you are alright,it's just that you are an IDEALIST and INTELLECTUAL which makes you pursue these things and enables you to be good at understanding it.Relieved to hear it. Infact i was also happy to hear that he was followed by famous people like Charlie Chaplin, Bruce Lee, Indra Gandhi, Deepak Chopra, Huxley, tamil writers Jaykanthan, Balakumaran, Asokamitran and many more.
JK and his teachings
Definitely as an outsider who isn't part of JK community,will say he is boring and repeats. I bet his talks aren't wide range (No stories,jokes,information,examples) and not entertaining like Osho's (Osho is an contemporary ,they hardly talked, but disputed i believe through their followers). Osho himself is an inspiration of JK. Infact Osho is the first person to condolence his death and he felt JK lacked recognition. Osho also spoke funny on him,which is a bit hurting that he has the same set of followers who are old. Blames his followers becoming puppeteers like JK by repeating the same thing he said without feeling it, eventually having not grown. But i bet JK is uncompromisable,hardcore idealist in truth. Here is a man who has dedicated his life from the age of 14 to 90. His speeches at 90 had the same passion as he was when young. He has left volumes of speeches,writing on philosophy been preserved and spread by JK foundation. Much to my delight,i went to the JK foundation and thoroughly read them. His speeches were spontaneous,one of beautiful qualities i always adore. He went the same path as Ramana maharishi. And another quality in JK is that he will critice every bit of things(sometime people tend to mislead this with pessimistic tone and also reduce spirit of life) and he praises only love and compassion. Sadly he wasn't awarded Noble prize on peace. Infact he has confessed that he hardly read any books(but i suspect,as he talks about mutation and sits with scientists like David Bohm,so may be he has read array of subjects or had been gathering information from intellectuals). I used to feel his approach to truth is recursive as he goes all around memory,insecurity,observation(on tree). JK is a bit of atheist i feel,he doesn't promote any religious methods,despite the fact i assume he is inspired by Hindu philosophy. He doesn't believe in soul which is contrary to Buddhist beliefs.His talks with children is sheer delight on how kind he handles children.When i was upto his teachings i was told he's dangerous,as he makes people get confused by his teachings.
Uppalauri Gopala Krishnamurti (Film director Mahesh Batt is his devotee and a relative of Gauthami - Mistressof famous Indian actor Kamal Haasan) called as UG krishnamurti (July 9, 1918 – March 22, 2007), is a strong crtic of him ,often proclaims that he is bored on his talks. JK doesnt believe in the concept of Guru and disciple as he says that leads to exploitation,which is the cornerstone of his honesty and integrity.This mistake is done by Osho i guess. Above all i admire JK, as he is the only philosopher who doesn't grow beard or have uniform to identify his superiority and create an image of greatness and enlightened guru ,which is a character of narcissism.Coming to title on why he repeats,i don't know, may those were the basic parameters we need to go through to hit upon truth.
Few bits on his teachings:
1. Mind is only memory and thought is reaction derived from memory.
2. Observer is the observed.
3. Belief is the outcome of wanting to be secure.
4. Observation is awareness without condemnation.
5. The thing that which gets hurt is the image we have upon ourself.
6. Don't compare.
7.Meditation ideally shouldn't have any entity forcing upon thought,its just the awareness without any entity.
8. Fear doesn't exist in itself,it exists only in relation to something.Any emotion like anger,jealousy exist only when there is a division in you.when you realise you are that,there is no division,there wont be any such things like anger, jealousy inside you(Jealousy or any odd feeling occurs only when there is a division
between you and that. If you bind the difference you can overcome it. It
is just deepness, alertness being thoughtful, conscious, sensitive and awareness that make it happen).
9. We are storehouse of memory which is knowledge that is destructive at times.We do things mechanically on behavioral pattern or habit developed over the years,not by consciousness(tamil writer subramanya raju once questioned,he hasn't come to his talk in habit (its conscious decision).Why do you say so?JK hits back you are stuck in the habit of questioning?):)
10. In relationships we see upon our self, and know about our self which is good.
11. Mutation occurs in brain cells on not reflecting upon society patterns,conditioning.
12.Society is influenced,has framework and is CONDITIONED
13. Live the moment without knowledge,which is our perception.Supreme energy is felt and will act through us,when corrupt thought not operates.
14. Spontaneity is indirect theme in all his talks where he appreciates being truthful to our self, honest,pure, not being superficial and phoney and ideal.