On Creativity- The God of (Un)Important things

Had you admired  a microprocessor inventor, a chef, a mechanic who puts his creativity in his work. With concentration and passion your complete soul and being put in any activity is creativity only. Creativity is god of unimportant things. A creator makes it important by their humanity, a compassionate response indeed. Creative activity could be described as a type of learning process where teacher and student are located in the same individual.The difference between human and chimpanzee is only 1.6 gene,rest of the 98.4 gene are similar.obvious one unique thing is creativity.We need lateral thinking to improve in life,thinking vertically is only proceeding in sequence arrested by a logic,whereas  a lateral thinking is a combination of intuition,creativity,imagination.Instead of digging the same hole deeper,we can dig different holes.But its just like a reverse gear in car,use when appropriate. Intuition is like observing a rare unnoticed particular part of jam packed information in your memory and coming out with deep understanding,resulting in a fresh creative idea.

Action comes out of a silent mind-it is the most beautiful thing in the world.Activity comes out of a restless mind Action is immediate. It is nothing ready made, it is prefabricated. It doesn't give you any chance to make a preparation, to go through a rehearsal. Action is always new and fresh like the dewdrops in the morning. And a person who is a person of action is always fresh and young. Action is what a creative mind produces. Creativity is a paradoxical state of consciousness, i.e., action through inaction. Creativity is allowing god to happen. In deep sleep we fell in harmony with nature, that's why that quality of sleep is rejuvenating and relaxing.

The ego is nothing but all the tensions you have created about yourself. When you drop the ego, you drop a whole world that you have created around it. For the first time you are able to see things as they are, not as you would like them to be. This enables us for creative thinking. When you listen you become  a passage, a passivity, receptivity, a womb. When you look at someone you become intense, but when you listen you become receptive. And then your faculty of imagination becomes powerful making you imaginative and sensitive. Ego always wants perfection and be better then other with ideals,comparing often and obvious falling short often and becoming down and non progressive saturated energy levels. Creativity is divorced with ego always.

Creativity is putting reason to backseat and inventive plus discover able imagination to forefront. Not that reason is not there, they fix their reason in fact more perfect better then rationals after imagination. Reason is a child of brain which boundless vast universe is of not match to its capacity. Let there be mystery, unexplained without reason, the beauty lies there. The beauty is the nucleus of a creator. The planning, controlling is  a business thing, living the moment, being spontaneous, truth is what outputs creativity. True creativity often starts where language ends sometimes after.all. 


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