ON DREAM - Revisited and Redefined
This term everyone might have heard from big talk and from wanna be big people. You could have observed people around atleast having one dream even if you don't have one-to complete Ph.d, to win a cup / award, to start a start-up, expand your business/career, to be a film/Music director etc. Anything cannot be dream as the one valued and efforted for is what stands out. Some gets fancied by the very fact that we can dream and tend to dissolve into which isnt may be the best thing to do. Dream is ambition in disguise, I would say ambition visualized. Visuals are deeply seated which enables to believe intuitively. A picture is equivalent to thousand words,said to be a Napolean's quote.A dream consists of various points and the final ribbon moment of a marathon runner. We need to effort for the first point and so that we could move on so forth.
Everybody can imagine,the easiest in life, may be that's why it is the least bothered in human life (thats why i had write on this). So what is good imagination matters,good imagination is that which rediscovers the hidden/unnoticed past/pinches the present/ invents the future. In other ways dream is extended thought living in imagination. The danger of dream is that just like other side of knife, the other side of dream is reality and vice-versa, Unless we control reality we cant make dream happen(and vice-versa?). Reality is a hard core realist it is a mirror and pinches truth-so cant escape from it for a logical creature atleast.
But, don't be mad emotional soft on your Dreams and desires, because as it not belongs to you..it belongs to the people's if it's theirs they will make it happen if not it won't. You might fail on your dream, but we cant succeed always. But revisit and reinvent your dream when it fails, even if it succeeds. Continuous success means surely they are playing safe not trying new things and not going by passion - only passion outputs creativity truth depth and real cum hard work. Failure is sure indication of success as life is probability , a spin and ever dynamic(and arbitrary as well) being point to point(which has saturation and progress). In Simple- a dream is required for a man who in search of identity and a logical glory. A glory indeed-every man deserves it!!