(Follow me on the before URL which is my Facebook page were i continue operating this blog)    (Follow me on the before URL which is my Facebook page were i continue operating this blog)
About my Blog
This page segregates my branches of thoughts that are proverbial and my updates on blog .Hoping it would entertain and enrich readers.

How to name it?Originally i title it எவன் திருத்துவான்-Who will change (Sorry if the page title sounds rude ,actually the line is from a (in?)famous movie climax.).

This is an attempt to commercialize(can it be?!) and publicize my thoughts hidden in a dust almera to public for mutual benefit.

Some of my listeners complain that i pour with enormous branching thoughts that are not relevant and timely,which is meant to be diverted into relevant area ,i.e.,document and reach the needy who like or look for to enrich or entertain my type of thoughts.This place serves this purpose,area to document and reach relevant people on relevant time.
Thoughts pertained to Science,fiction and all,in simple-it has my personal encounter with realms of various fields. Confess my weakness of reaching everything in life through philosophy(greedy ideal hunger thought process- literature quality).

And predominantly this also contains updates on my blog article ( given in my website,the intro for my article and status updates here goes as below:
I take a lot of time to make one entry in blog or write because am constantly disturbed by the purposes of it,by questions like,who is going to read?What if i am read?Am i going to get opposers when my audience(if any) are having any opposite thought,as the thoughts are always intertwined with ego,when offended or even slightly disturbed it offends the ego personally.And also am afraid or not very satisfied that my entries would be seen as what i am and what i am associated with it always.But the thing is i record my thought simply for the purpose of that it shouldn't go to drainage without been consumed,however am not afraid to be inconsistent(sign of progress) if somebody comes-up with an thought that is against mine(or if i reconsider in some other context),i welcome that as i only aim and like truth without any prejudice or ingenuous.My thoughts written down are not for show off as someone really great,superior or how good i am ,as its only meant for reaching you the audience for sharing and making some value mutually.Also am writing only in interstices,amidst while having bumper car ride(meant the journey of life),so please tolerate me and my mistakes.

Warning:Forgive me for giving self indulgent,self centred thoughts as best things in life come that way.If am poorly received,this page is an attempt to overcome that :)


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