ON Date and astrology

From my childhood am good at remembering timelines.In fact my family and people around me observed this and always used to use me as a date machine.I really have a fascination towards Dates. I guess it hits my fancies where my being flowers or enjoys defending to feel powerful.Probably the reason am good at remembering Dates is because it is always with a context of a understandable or comprehend-able event or human being.To me Date is a way of answering one of the major why's that is part of any information which releases from the mystery about the thing which we are encountering at and its a way of bashing the walls around us easily by a easy key and move in easily to the bunch of inter related information which we can progress with.One of my friend told that am good at remembering Dates because i love my fellow being too much.Then i started to move into numerology and associate a astrological prediction on it.In fact this was an attempt to escape from the number 8 which always used to chase me in my timelines.My dad used to remember the car number when he sees it in movie.My grandma and dad both are into dates and information on journals,humans and movie.I owe to my genes for what am on this.So no boasting on it,apologies if any already popped out of my control.

Is astrology true which is a question.Date is the index of events and things happening,especially any common mans tendency who is making an attempt to intellectualize,will be doing so.I once heard near a magazine shop,"2010 is not good,so many accidents ",any word is not the thing,it only represents meaning,we temporarily aspire to store for.Words are the hostage we take,hide upon, or store  for the thoughts that appear to come.You can even answer whether God is there,but not astrology,such a difficult question.A famous man once told told that i dont believe in astrology as people of my zodiac dont believe in it.James Randi,Carl Sagan declared there is no scientific evidence in astrology so i tend to believe but unknown is a lot.But i still wonder why Nostradumus is not been found out by journalists or academicians before 9/11 and no Indian astrologer saved Rajiv Gandhi Assasination.May be its because fate cant be changed as in fact there is a ancient story of Paritchith Maharaja(which my uncle used to recite when i was less then 10 for bunch of childrens along with me) which is indirect theme for the movie Final Destination which reinstates fate cant be conquered .Infact Indian Math genius Ramanujan was a numerolgist to certain level as he was able to pull out significance even form a car number of his colleague he saw when in death bed.The most famous study so far, was lead by a physicist Shawn Carlson, which also included few astrologers, concluded that astrological predictions do no do better than chance. This study was published in Nature, one of the most famous Scientific journal. Astrology doesn't make specific, testable predictions - it's all vague enough so that pretty much everyone can see themselves as fitting in the prediction.The biggest flaw is that each second multiple kids are born with same astro chart and despite there is no similarity in those,as people born on same time as Sachin Tendulkar has not become like him.Relieved to know all hot shots be it Tamil actor/politician MGR(personal consultant drives decisions the trend does exists from the generation of Rajaraja chozha-the South Indian ruler) or Amitabh Bachan and many more greats believe in it interestingly even in this 21st century. A popular astrologer predicted Nehru life span to be 74 and interestingly its not only by astrology he predicted instead its by genetic science by calculating previous generations of Nehru that says it all its planet science along with existing sciences co-ordination and probability.

From the standpoint of statistical analysis the most interesting research (that I know of) was done by an organization called the Magi Society .Their work is based on fairly large and exact data-sets (public companies, the Fortune 500, the stock market, celebrity athletes and marriages, etc.).They have demonstrated very significant and meaningful correlation between certain performance-metrics, key events and corresponding planetary configurations (sets of specific planetary aspects, or "astro-geometry" as they call it) a 1998 book, The Astrology File: Scientific Proof of the Link Between the Star Signs and Human Behaviour, and debunked by Dr. Alexander von Eye,Dr. Eye using the older Bonferroni method, which is in simple terms the most aggressive way to increase the required p-value beyond the standard 0.05 (5% chance that the results are obtained by chance alone).Despite skeptics claims that astrology can not be statistically analyzed, (though they are quite quick to produce studies that supposedly "disprove astrology") the fact is that many more astrologers are turning to research to study various aspects of astrology.

An exhaustive list is impossible, but here are a few:

1.Bruce Scofield based his doctoral thesis on interactions of the Sun and Saturn in weather forecasting.

2.Sarah Kline Ridgley found a correlation between workplace injuries and the 90 degree aspect called a square to the worker's sun:

3.Astrologically Predictable Patterns in Work Related Injuries

4.Alphee Lavoie, among his many research projects have found certain correlations in different professions at higher than statistical chance:

Astrology,god is result of humans intolerance,irresistabilty and uncacceptance of the the fact that life is uncertain.They went to shrink life and bring it to finger tip,such is the greed,they canot withstand the mystery and break the mystery desperately just like anything by reasoning.Learn to tolerate and live with mystery.Have the courage to face new things,if you have that courage and perceptive mind,you can live tolerating mystery.Astrology is an evidence that humans are capable of capturing information and associating it with a burning reason on how and why.

Astrology ,religion survived for centuries which only says the mind and its approach has been the same and there is alimitation for our whys,we don’t have 100% ready made proved facts to answer our whys,so we just picked our available source and mixed imagination to end up the way we want it.
People say that astrology is low cost psychoanalysis.But they are master in knowing your expectation.
When I devise a method ie logically astrology is true,ratinally its false-probably the method is wrong,because there could be only 1 answer,no 2 truths,only one truth.Probably,

astrology is the claim of angular momentum of the matters mass's gravity on effect of outr life,which indeed is the fitting of fitting our scientific theory to the our claim of things we want to be.

Math holds the secret of science.Doubt and reason is the corner stone of truth,so lets wait until someone bashes the wall around us on this mystery.


Unknown said…
Thank You

one of the best blogs that I've ever read on this topic..congratulations :)

astrology in delhi

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