ON novel The catcher in the rye -Confessions of a innocent mind

Ive a confession to make,i suffer from mania of the catcher in the Rye ever since i read.Its been narrowly 5years i believe to have read first and from then on i keep revisiting it once in a while when i feel down or up or nothing to do.I've heard its a banned book on conformity mania institutions and not accepted by all levels of society.I had the guts to come out on my mania, as am feeling it has also created some positive vibration.In fact richest man in the planet earth named his daughter Phoebe ,inspired from one of the character in the novel.Despite,the book is the favorite and major inspiration for the man who shot the Beatles lead singer.I don't have to give the plot or reception or some of the basic information as that's been already available by websites like Wikipedia and others.Reviews and trivia are also available,then what else to write.Will just joggle down whats in my thought right now.Why do i like the book is because its simple,spontaneous,not cheating on with some intellectual stuffs.Again when it comes to character in a narrative medium,that is what that matters on what he his and how he sees the world.The theme which is indirectly hiding upon across is phoniness,a very American term.I would say its superficiality without depth on the human beings part whatsoever the action may be.The theme of innocence is also captured which is cornerstone of kids,a bit of emotionally deep theme.Art is the vehicle of idealist and theme is their vehicle of their story.Angry boy on his society,not with a specific thing,but on their psychology.I cant sum it up on what the book says.But i feel its all TRUTH.The pure truth ever received through words out of the lot Ive ever read in my lifetime so far.Literature is what we get from author when there is a mismatch between the ideals and what the society is.I never told this to anyone,as people would start missing me as the book quotes "Don't ever tell anybody anything. If you do, you start missing everybody."Also,i wanna spread Mr.Salinger's art,his only novel of his lifetime of 91 years,as the only way art lives is through the experience of the observer. The reality of art begins with the eyes of the beholder, through imagination, invention and confrontation. Thematically rich and overloaded literary work is this novel and the challenge is in the hidden theme, allusions-here Salinger is making aloud  theme of Zen philosophy on living the moment, spontaneously and it cannot be taken as hate he shares in the novel its just the conflict and sensitiveness he shares. Being truthful to the moment and to the people is the catch. Also its full of sarcasm, satirism and shaming on conventionality. And another unique great thing about this novel is there is nothing hidden in this novel everything is straight, a deviation from hardcore literature where idealism, symbolism is more. But still i had heard some criticism like one novel hit is a fluke as that itself is based on own experience(indeed produced few works in arena of short story novella). Anyways 1951 novel still people receiving on it, definitely something is fresh and ultimate on it i guess.

Finishing off with a punch in the book..

Many, many men have been just as troubled morally and spiritually as you are right now. Happily, some of them kept records of their troubles. You'll learn from them — if you want to. Just as someday, if you have something to offer, someone will learn something from you. It's a beautiful reciprocal arrangement. And it isn't education. It's history. It's poetry.


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