ON Philosophy of Living - Jesus inspiration is Socrates?!

There cant be without any inspiration or role models on what people are.This world is full of pool of human talents and intelligence,but the problem is its full of followers.So,we have this world which is full of prototype,we hardly have additional qualities which defines in a unique way what they are.Mutual acceptance,support ,being safe,successful(without excellence) and respected without staying behind anyone in terms of competition is what predominantly what humans are concerned about.So they are always avoiding the strain of standing out from the accepted superficial standards,the one who comes out and refuses to give up what he is and always defining him by his unique rational thought is the leader.And he is the creative person,who resists the influence upon him and maintain what he is despite the society demanding,ragging him to reflect their owns.Also,the leader is the one who always implements a well defined,holistic,rational ideals.The problem in following standards is that its always old and life is always new.Also nothing is perfect in this world,everything is work in progress including the isms.The one who has successfully stand out were the political leaders,entrepreneurs and leaders in all fields and all levels in the society.But its not easy to live that way,as we have to face oppositions and rejections at time or at many times.
As a great man once said as below:
Don't be trapped by dogma — which is living with the results of other people's thinking. Don't let the noise of others' opinions drown out your own inner voice. And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition.Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life.
Influence isnt a bad thing,it should only be a starting point.Anyways society and people at recent days are not run by philosophies,they are run by tendencies,whims and fancies,standards prevailing,money,fake talks and selfishness.Coming back to Socrates(469 BC–399 BC) and Jesus(7–2 BC/BCE to 30–36AD) ,both these persons lived for a ideal which they didnt give up.These men were the leaders of their times.Jesus inspiration is Socarates,Gandhi's inspiration is Moses.Whose inspiration the root,that is the Socrates would be .Its his rationality.


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