ON Eating

To know what is fasting we must know what is eating.Eating is for providing glucose to cells ,the order of supplying is to give it to the body first and then subsequently move to brain.But eating is used as entertainment and resting tool.The taste helps to satisfy our consciousness and makes us rest,suppressing or hiding our energy to be alive at times.Based on affordability or only outlet,eating is been exploited to be around in life.
Fasting is self condemnation,abandoning as a result of not getting the attention to be on top or not getting what we wanted for selfish and unselfish reasons.This is a blackmail or demand when used as political or religious act,sometimes it's a masochistic exploration to get high on our self.

   The good thing about fasting is that it rests kidney.But every 4hours cell needs nutrition to perform or else everything goes down.Once the stomach,kidney(a key controller of BP whose major job is to separate salt from blood it filters) is spoilt on a habit ,the body clock is in place and starts expecting things at time and spoil health if not satisfied.The eating determines our lifespan as eating consumes and damages the food processing parts.If you observe many of our elders who are around,we could see their conservative and clean food habits.Starting from Gandhi to Hazare,there are number of famous public fasting.Personally i feel public fasting should be abandoned.

The below statement in koran, helps us understand how powerful source the food is been,providing energy to our various activity.
"O young people! Whoever among you can marry, should marry...and whoever is not able to marry, should fast, as fasting diminishes his sexual power."
Its been funnily quoted by a great man ""The average age of a meat-eater is 63."Eating meat and its consequences are of different topic,yet its better to abstain from it if you are not willing to argue the plants are also living beings.Doesn't make sense to eat our fellow creatures which is aesthetically unpleasing.Even Davinci has stated that "The time will come when men such as I will look upon the murder of animals as they now look on the murder of men".Just eat only what you want and go by it,not over doing or under doing.Any restriction is not required if anything is on limit of our needs,not going beyond needs,instead reaching luxury,unconscious outlet,affordability.Also,we shouldn't make our food item quantity,selection a thing of servers unconscious decision and spoiled by getting indulgence of it.And again we must not be get carried away by the calorie information of food,as intelleculising eating things may not make sense,instead gives fake security.Because eating is not to do with our brain,instead its to do with soul,so atleast leave alone eating without been intellectualised The eating is to do with our soul,and soul is the entire coordinating and coinciding central point of the energy around our body and brain.


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