ON Rajni's Endhiran the tamil movie-As it is-Rajni rocks at 60

Endhiran-As it is-->Deglamourised Rajni(scientist),deemotionalised Rajni(Robo),Villian Rajni(this one is good,but very less time like mottai boss in the movie Sivaji),Rajni is planning to transition from super star to super actor(like Amitabh Bachan?!)
Vasegaran creates Robo(speed 1 tera Hz memory 1 zetta byte is the configuration of Robo which is been repeated most often in the movie) of 10 years of hard work to present it for Indian military where loss of life can be saved and powerful defence can be made it(as it is equal to 100 people and advances in all ways to make war?but only one??).His students are Santhanam and Karunas(they get hit in the verge of testing Robo,and Karunas comments ,its already hitting in the leg like a child).Sana misses him and angry with her boyfriend who is too immersed and workholic, she approaches him to cancel his love and gives back his presents. Books of A brief history of time by Stephen Hawking,Freakonomics and shaving set(to tell he is too logical, not emotional) and Rajni asks return the kisses(2 to the power of 9).He trains the Robo(speech therapy training Karunas and santhannam tells bad words) and takes it to his home,and names it chitiBabu(this is actors name of Vasees father:)) by his mother casually,as they were planning that name for his younger brother,if born.Its too logical and not emotional, which at times creates problem to people and creates fun. Vasee's mother tells to put TV and Robo drops and breaks the TV, doesnt use break as Vasee tells to do what he says only,car parked in no parking,where the traffic police makes conversation and Robo answers logically to create comedy. Traffic police tells to Gavani and he sees from top to bottom:) He goes to haircut shop to remove his big beard(sign of immersed in work of robo and being workholic,obsessed with Robo).Robo studies all books there including telephone directory,answers by deducting accurately and finding telephone number and name of people in shop.He presents Robo to international conference and gives brief intro on Robo created(100 mans power,know many languages,all arts,hologram(common is starwars) feature in his eyes(new idea-great work,Shankar)which can telecast recorded videos. The villian gets introduced in Rajni style swapping legs.In conference following questions are answered by Robo: 1. Greatest prime number.(answer is m44(i guess the greatest prime number is not yet found even by using software,as of now,the number is 2 to the power of 32,582,657 − 1,this is a Mersenne number-May be i am wrong,probably Shankar has better source,resource,time etc),and says it will take at least few (20 i guess)years to understand that number). 2. Identifies Raga song sung by a man in the audience when questioned about it and plays back to tell where he missed. 3.Is there a god?Robo answers who is God,the audience guy tells who creates is god and so the Robo answers Vasee is God as he created(few claps heard on this as it celebrates the intellectuality of Human species-Good one Shankar!). 4.Number put forward by an audience to ask whether its a Fibonacci number(Robo answers yes and says its 30the fibonacci number. Post conference dinner,talks happen with Danny-the jealousy Villian(the name is bohra,name is beacuse to indicate he is muslim?(or a popular scientist Bohr?) competing with making of Robos(and Vasees Guru,his photo is there in lab of Vasee as Robo says on intro to him) and fails as its not easy to make perfect one(Robo takes bun intead of Gun),takes for a walk to converse and know about it,asks few questions on technical aspects of its making(Neural schema),where it refuses to tell,as its programmed to maintain confidentiality,robo asks the boss(Vasee) and he politely refuses and tells it is to be out soon officially.Sana takes robot for fun as toy friend during exams and it gets mixed in her home(her father dies in Kargil war at the age of 40) named Happy home(in anna nagar-military people family support,attracts neighbour and Sana by cleaning house and memorising books,also accompanies vasee,Sana.Her mom,pregnant sister accompany her in the home.Troublesome neighbours who hears loud music(this line is from writer Sujatha I guess,have read on this in his works) disturbs Sana’s medical exams. Robo questions and breaks the sound system by communicating with electronic system as its also of his family.Again,Sana gets disturbed by loud music of Mariamman function loud sound in temple and people there creates problems,robo rocks by taking all weapons and shows himself to be like god avatar and now worshipped by people in the slum there(few laughs here-this scene was originally conceivaed in year 2000,not yet outdated!! ).Helps Sana in exams and gets caught when he is telling via communication(phone) to Sana in exam hall.Now Robo is been expelled,yet loyal to the master Sana,he helps by lying in the terrace and showing answer texts by holograph through eyes.(claps heard as well).The sound disturabance groups(mariamman group and pop crazy youth group,TV actor Raghav in cameo) come to rape Sana,robo saves by fighting in a athletic way(peter hein in a cameo,villain throws hall ticket bag throws to river and Robo goes to track them accurately and picks it up,fights).While fighting battery becomes low for robo and gets thrown out of the train(the train fightt scenes were originally done by Rajni ,cant believe how he works hard at his age especially running in train track.He got the train moving faster and met the danger,oops!!).On hearing the help voice of Sana(comically,not logically)robo takes charge from electric trains power source machine near him and helps her(walks on train in slant and top,hits a guy who spits while running in the side of train,Shankar punch).Karunas and santhanam mocks robo on they have different thing from robo thats most important,tells that they drink alcohol and enjoy,while robo does peripheral troubleshoot.Robo confirms on this to his boss,where he tells to hit in foot wear(Shankar punch). Robo hits them and in turn they become angry in a time,where they offer help to villain Danny and joins him.(but dont know neural schema of robo to help villian Danny) It’s been reviewed by panel of scientists on following questions: 1. Been built by Asimov’s law?(Answered No here,as its built for killing opponents in miltary) 2.Who the Robo will save in a critical condition -whether a baby or Einstein?(this line is inspired from the movie I,Robo i guess) and Robo says its hypothetical questions and tackles diplomatically. 3.Who will win the race if turtle is running in some scenario(i forgot this one),Robo answers that its a paradox and both the particpant has possibility of winning(not sure on this one).(technical dailagues written by Kargi,the son of writer Vairamuthu!!) 4.logical questions like how to place shape for building(triangle above square and not the viceversa). Danny command robo to run in front,reverse and all sorts and finally to kill Vasse,where a small drop of blood comes,and Happy Danny declares as not approved. Robo is now in the juncture of saving people from fire in a accident(done in extreme risk,all shots were made pre visualisation which is done through graphics for the whole film) where he takes a bathing girl out with no dress without understanding the sense of dignity, as a result she dies by sucide(runs in road and gets by vehicle).As a result the lacking of emotion in Robo creates a crisis as now. Vasee develops Robo with emotion teaching the emotion flowchart.Teaching everything from Rig veda, books on emotions(just 2 times of zig ,zag(to and fro of book) in in 2 seconds transfers all data in the book to his memory)and explains that life is an accident in the big galaxy.Robo understands it to be that life is DNA,Vasee explains the value of life.Robo gets hit by a lightning and crashes.Now the Robo gets angry(robo gets emotion!) on being questioned to get the emotion he insists to teach(lightning is justification in fantasical manner that robo becoming human).Now the robo gets opportunity to save Sana sisters delivery by his extraordinary intelligence,and become sensation(few claps heard here,touching scene of child birth).In this moment,Sana kisses chitti to elevate his feeling of love towards her,where the villian Danny warns of there begins the story as Robo is in full form with emotion(so that we come back from intermission). Post intermisson words is very difficult to describe in words, mostly its stunning visuals. Love of robo with Sana starts vigorously,robo chases the mosquito bitten in the bulk of mosquito and identifies the one that bite Sana,disucsses with it fantasically(the one that bites is Rangooski-tribute to late Sujatha, his pet name called by his friends in his school days)Now in the bday party of Sana,vasee goes along with robo which is well dressed to attract Sana(various hair style by Robo-fun for children).In bday party(Sana weras Robo gift removing Vasee gift) the emotion drown scientist cant dance,but chiti dances(superb athletic steps like MJ,did Rajni do this??May be he is.) and amazes everyone including Sana.Post party,the there discusses on love of chithi. Robo goes for military interview,answers questions like the weapon identification.Places rose above bomb and tells poetry(Kundhal Karupu aruvi,naethi vetti vaitha nila,edupu kozhandhaigal utkarum naarkali,kangal oru mukoanam,udhadu olli kuri(not sure on this one)…..Vairamuthis rocking poem) and after this failing of interview angry,frusturated Vasee breaks the robo and puts in waste. The villian Danny makes a deal with foreign terrorist group(translator is Sabu the art director in a cameo) by assembling back the waste chithi from waste godown(Real dust godown,cant believe the risk taken by Robo team.Good one as the scene is also gripping,Shankar rocks!) and gets all info of neural schema and programs with destruction program by a red chip(a simple idea anyone understand,its not the red chip,actually its the masala chip shankar has inserted:)).Its for the sake of bad name to Vasee and business for Danny.The bad Rajni(new getup-->with upgraded 2 point O song,a funny one) kills Danny.Recovers ice from the marriage with scientists,followed up road fight(cars,100s of police,Rajni carrying 100s of guns and saying Happy diwali folks to fire-Location -Guindy Kathipara,Marans influence to arrange shooting)Makes 100s of robos like him as his servants.Build palace(getting all things from Citi center shops in Mylapore and weapons from military truck) and gives whatever Sana wants to make her love(jewels,palace with servants,etc).The good Rajni goes to that house to get mixed in hundreds of Rajni(Latter Robo comes to know Sana lies,where Robo tells Lie is a human character and body language shows she is lieing) to save Sana before advising to switch off power source to make robo fall,which inturn takes it from car battery in road(Location is Hyderabad IT park road i guess).The bad Rajni identified out of the many Rajni,thalaivar rocking,shouting like goat(inspired from actor Thangavelu in Alibabuvam 40 thirudargalum and some other movies(Vivek?) and checks every robo by killing to see the blood and confirm his presence-says Robo(conceived while executing the scene) and laughing like Big B,a villain laugh)where the human is.In a stunning climax,the robo is now been tried to capture by thousand of police(jayatv news and gk program guy in a cameo).The hundred robos shapes itself as dragon,globe,snake and finally as big robo(like the one in the movie Avatar and like oil advertisement you can see in TV,most importantly inspired from the movie Transformers),where the vasee tries to control and deactivate him,eventually to remove red chip.In the court Vasee is acccused of killings and destruction, where the robo testimonies for his boss,that as per section there is a law that robo can testimony(any material is valued as evidence,robo is considered as info material) to release Vasee that its considered as an accident.But as per law robo is banned and chithi dismantles leaving everybody crying(good scene,Robo tells all problem occured because of the feelings and he says goodbye mesage to all and pitties human life that it cant be dismantled like him).20 years down the line when people study robotics in a institute the robo Rajni face is in display and the teacher tells history.Now,a child asks why he is here,the robo tells its because i think!!(slow and soft end after lightning climax)DOT(This is how the scientist Vasee completes his sentences and in the last scene of Robo dimsantling also,good one!).(Good dailagues-Robo is not against nature and its only new to nature)
Minus points
0.First half in Second half.
1.Eventhough Rajni is not lost in the big imagination of Shankar and production of SunTV,we miss Rajni at parts.The emotionless Robo Rajni makes us emotional and make us to like his character.2.Degalamourised Rajni(scientist),demotionalised Rajni(Robo).(Now understood why SRK and kamal refused this movie),yet the Robo character is likeable 3.The starting is very simple,since the speed of movie doesnt increasing subsequently in a very high pace(like Mudalvan) this approach could have been avoided(pace build up is approach of Shankar). 4.Few logic flaws across to create comical situations(this is allowable at times),Sana acting ignorant of robo despite studying in a medical college,Villian Rajni is not like robo at all.(emotional robo is likeable and similar to moondru mugam Rajni,a Shankar favourite).Why Robo is created with face like him? 5.Robo loving is the worst line in the movie,not interesting at all. 6.Rajni surrendering to Shankar and too much of underplay,that makes the character in the story,not Rajni the superstar. 7.Simple robo story been made with 162 crores and too much bandha,hype(robo stories in literature from 1896 and hollywood flicks already seen bicentennial man,i robot.Not sure on what different is,thats been hyped too much). 8.Instead of too much of research and perfection(3years is too much of time,somebody should correct and makes him move quickly in the moments of obsession)Shankar should have developed a good story line in second half(like the one in dasvatharam at least,ppl who hate dsavatharam forgive me,just for compare). 9.Could have had less animation and made in 50 crores with actor sharath(forgive me),Rajni is celebratable only at parts.Its the emotion of him that is enjoyable,now its been minused when acted as robo(Yet,Robo character is likeable and the villian).Many of the scenes,Rajni isnt performing,either the dupe or graphics in stunt scenes at times(he has done most of it)and in climax(important scene like fire accident or train fight). 10.Not many interesting characters and events that are apart from robo subject.Danny character not strong enough as villian.A inetersting villian makes a hero and a story,interesting and gripping. 11.Frankenstein approach to robo is the most repeated and boring thing in stories of litearature and cinema,now it comes in tamil cinema,which isn’t innovative at all.
11.Rajnis and endhiran teams hardwork(sitting continuously for 6 hours in a box,pouring a chemical to his whole body to get a mask of him,train stunts,villian performance leaving the line of robo-human border to entertain audience,making movement for the 100 robos,tieing hand behind in the robo been cut by scientists)
12.Technical brilliance where pupeters of Robo in green dress doing things,mixing stuffs are convincing.Background score is ok(symphony orchestra).
Plus points
1.New robo subject in tamil films correctly at this media and internet age. 2.Villian Rajni(the lightning is the side of face,indication of voltage?) is gripping,admirable and Robo Rajni is sympathetical eventhough there is no emotion in it.Ranji has done great job for his age of 60(cant believe,he works too hard even at 60),besides his benefit of being well paid,facilities,privilege,care he enjoys and well received across by all Indians.Yet,we miss him in many scenes when graphics or dupes replaces for him.Not all scenes have him performing in full flow that Rajni usually does. 3.Climax story line of robot making robots and human Vasee gets mixed for thrill. 4.Climax action scenes-creative,quality. 5.Songs are ok. 6.Robot scenes excites at times and the comedy in it.Danny is also ok and casual. 7.Intellectually good on content at parts.(eventhough andro humanoid term is wrong!,Rajni telling in one scena that the multiplication of Robots will take place in Fibonacci order,oops so much hardwork,not sure on whether its superficial,fake or really good) 8.Good answer for kamals dasavatharam by Rajni,100 Rajnis appear in the movie: and Rajni as scientist and intellectual movie as like the Kamal’s one. 9.First half is soft,but fluent and neat like a calm river.Clean and perfect screenplay in first half.


True...villain Rajni and CG are main attractions in this movie.
Good on the sci-fi initiative :)
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- David

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