ON Winston Groom's Forrest gump(1994) - English movie Review-->A feather on Mr.Zemescki's cap

It makes me emotional every time i see this movie.Forrest's being son,lover,friend,husband and father,it summarizes the whole essence of life.The movie is narrated like poem with touch of philosophy.Probably the challenging part(for non Americans atleast) of movie is the reference of American history during Forrest's life.This format is like Garbriel Marquez's novel,one hundred years of solitude.(magical realism). Is Mr. Tom Hanks born to live this role,i wonder nobody might have done this role and its narration better than him.The most interesting and unique part of the movie is Forrest's innocence,which is the backbone and admiral part of this story.Well,you want feel relaxed sharing about yourself to someone watch Forrest Gump.It touches you deep. Infact it was one of the early experience of English movies for me, where i had less understanding of American accent, life and thought process. But still it provided me a enriching experience of being watched a different movie where it captivates your heart. The feather flying scene made me realize what movies are capable of and proved anything written,imagined can be captured in a movie story. Many non English audience might have read the title has forest jump making meaning of their own. Still, the nostalgia effect displayed in movie is one of the powerful element for us to connect to the story. The backstory of his name (using the movement name Ku Klux Klan and telling about Nathan Bedford Forrest was a wow moment for me) been narrated gives a feel of rich material been perfectly visualised. One of smart comments i heard when i was watching this movie is that , "Forrest gump excels so well unconsciously on whatever he does all through the story despite his so called low IQ and respect in society". Finishing of with a punch in the story:

"Life was like a box of chocolates. You never know what you're gonna get"


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