ON Creativity and madness

I have observed all talented actors are terribly empty and alone,restless psychologically,craving for attention and very sentimental.Only these psychological setbacks become positive in giving acting performance because they feel themself only when they act like somebody else or exaggegarate themself.The more complex you are,the more great you are in acting.Is acting really a talent or craft? actors must have some sort of mental deficiency which creates an extreme need for the approval and admiration of others. What else could propel someone to be a great actor if not the deep-seated need from within to portray someone other than themselves? But, not all great actors have dramatic "psychological setbacks" - or at least not so prevalent. To make such a generalization is quite damaging as there are many wonderful actors who don't seem to have any of these issues, at least not that we can observe! I have read some interesting things about potential links between creativity and madness rather than acting and madness in the past, but if you're implying you must be psychologically damaged to be a great artist, then you're implying that in a perfect world if everyone was sane-enough (for want of a better way of putting it) there would be no art surely? And those two things don't seem to marry. Though certainly your own experiences in life I think can deepen what you can express or understand at times so may give you potential to be more creative ultimately? I think it might just be possible for an actor to enjoy acting and enjoy playing another person yet still be able to find contentment and peace in their own life. I don't think most actors "feel themself only when they act like somebody else or exaggegarate themself" and I think most of us in daydreams imagine ouselves as someone else or in different potential situations, or think of other people real or imaginary rather than the own reality of our lives. So are we all crazy? Well, I reckon so but that's beside the point. And the vast majority of 5-10 year olds spend a big proportion of their life pretending to be someone else. Are they psychologically damaged? To be completely trapped having to always be someone other than yourself and never able to be natural or just you is a flaw and probably results from some sort of trauma or damage, but the person in such a position would not therefore be a good actor and good actors are not like this. On the other side of the coin, I'm sure you could spend your life analysing why everyone does what they do? Why are we all here on this blog? Why does someone choose to be a doctor, a lawyer, a carer, a novelist? Why does someone go from being unexceptional in childhood to an amazing place as an adult, or vice versa - an overachiever, unable to work or do a thing? And a million and two other questions


Anonymous said…
Good for people to know.

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