hey Ram(Feb18-2000) - A retro

The films major instance Direct Action Day (16 August 1946-announced by the Muslim League Council to show the strength of Muslim feelings both to British and Congress, sort of a bandh) event shown in moview is a good effort to depict the killing of around 4000 people on that day(the overall killing happened due to partition riots is estimated to be 2lakh approximately(could be even between 2 Lakh to 20 Lakh and stands next to holocaust which cost around 1 crore lives app)) is an shocking information to know for political outsiders like me to understand what India has gone through as a nation. The amount of research gone into this movie is evident(definitely that which is not included might even be more valuable). Even though this movie is a historical fiction, doesnt mean its only for old timers and history buffs. Infact not training the mind to take this sort of movie was one of the reason the film might have failed to reach its deserved acclaim(but indeed was...