ON Robots-The god particle of artificial intelligence?(Who and when will we discover)

My mother wanted me to be a sanyassi/philosopher, my father wanted me to try insurance agent, my paternal uncle wanted me to try medical representative -my bro wanted me banker,my sis in law wanted me actor,my close friend wanted me software engineer, my best friend(i) wanted me to be an pass out of best Management college and be a Manager, the point is everybody demand/defines an entity/product based on their intuition,vision,impression,prejudice they get on it. The thing evolves at one point knowing where to go to,the starting point has to be defined.The need and wanting to be that  matters,same way every one wants a product to be in different ways,the most powerful passionate needful soulful cause wins the race.The secret of building a product lies in blending the combination of various aspects-emotional,aesthetic sense,answering our intuition.This can be brought out only when we bring in women employees.Guess i live life intellectually and take decisions emotionally the supposed to be vice versa,women can compensate the vice-versa.Guys think emotionally only women think intellectually,so always have 50% of your employees has women to build a perfect blend product which is of holistic aesthetically intuitively pleasing product.95% of the time, women are right and ofcourse when you are into right women. The product should be manifestation of its own fantasies as product when born original will never die a copy.In google,women sharing just one-third of Google's 34,300 employees are women(US population of 314,242,000 people includes 155.6 million females)16.1% employees in Apple(as of Aug-2012).

Coming back to the title ,the example product which I want to talk about is Siri.Any AI can  define itslelf  as that which  putting to the fullest possible use, which is all I think that any conscious entity can ever hope to do".Siri As like HAL in the odyssey story i wish the entire iphone is dominated via siri.i talked about HAL to SIRI ,and it said i would rather not talk about it (such is the terror).  I was fascinated by the functional dominance of HAL but unornamented appearance,same way the SIRI is.Also the SIRI criticizes that HAL makes poor decisions ,i am afraid but atleast he could sing :))(Ask about best cell phone it says the one you are holding,try anything from love,god and astrology,it does respond atleast.
When the virtual assistant first launched in early 2010, it was a standalone iPhone app called Siri created by a 24-person startup with the same name, a company Apple would later acquire.The Siri that Apple introduced in October 2011, 16 months after acquiring the technology for a reported $150 to $250 million, had expanded its linguistic range from one to multiple languages.At its original debut, in 2010, Siri had been able to connect with 42 different web services -- from Yelp and StubHub to Rotten Tomatoes and Wolfram Alpha -- then return a single answer that integrated the best details culled from those diverse sources. Apple makes products that makes common people feel smart.Google Voice is far superior to Siri. Siri has poor voice recognition - I've found Siri to be useful about 20% of the time. I finally turned it off and switched to the Google Search, which I found to be far more accurate (re: voice recognition) and useful (re: contextual search).

Siri is a failure in a context. Robots are analogy of human, atleast supposed to be. Robots are still in a primary shape, infact not even primary,they are in wrong direction as the level is only to the extent of immature imagination in stories.This is for Entrepreneurs who are into AI, please  focus on the breakthrough areas that makes a difference instead of beating around the bushes as one in a million, somebody had to  invent the god particle for Robots-this questions is open,is the answer ready ?Technology is tight intertwining of data which seeks fulfillment in that complexity(numerous interconnections compactly packed) through which we achieve our end needs.The right thing for entrepreneur is to bring in the right question and give the right answer, the data is open synthesise for a cause and get result?The action that are to be taken has to be and if given 100% on the motto of "Every action is an end in itself",progress does happen.The job of entrepreneurs is to believe, be passionate, hunger to the dream of a technologician to make it true and  make better and efficient practical life for humanity.There is a simple management rule that we have to apply on everything we do ,just ask why we had to do it as  a passionate man once said to enable all our dreams.


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