ON Robots-The god particle of artificial intelligence?(Who and when will we discover)

My mother wanted me to be a sanyassi/philosopher, my father wanted me to try insurance agent, my paternal uncle wanted me to try medical representative -my bro wanted me banker,my sis in law wanted me actor,my close friend wanted me software engineer, my best friend(i) wanted me to be an pass out of best Management college and be a Manager, the point is everybody demand/defines an entity/product based on their intuition,vision,impression,prejudice they get on it. The thing evolves at one point knowing where to go to,the starting point has to be defined.The need and wanting to be that matters,same way every one wants a product to be in different ways,the most powerful passionate needful soulful cause wins the race.The secret of building a product lies in blending the combination of various aspects-emotional,aesthetic sense,answering our intuition.This can be brought out only when we bring in women employees.Guess i live life intellectually and take dec...