ON Date and astrology
From my childhood am good at remembering timelines.In fact my family and people around me observed this and always used to use me as a date machine.I really have a fascination towards Dates. I guess it hits my fancies where my being flowers or enjoys defending to feel powerful.Probably the reason am good at remembering Dates is because it is always with a context of a understandable or comprehend-able event or human being.To me Date is a way of answering one of the major why's that is part of any information which releases from the mystery about the thing which we are encountering at and its a way of bashing the walls around us easily by a easy key and move in easily to the bunch of inter related information which we can progress with.One of my friend told that am good at remembering Dates because i love my fellow being too much.Then i started to move into numerology and associate a astrological prediction on it.In fact this was an attempt to escape from the number 8 which alwa...