On Kamal Haasan's Vishwaroopam(2013) - Tamil movie

Ahhhh,its been a while ive been writing especially a movie review because after being devotedly following and cherishing fiction(especially tamil cinema in India) for 20 years, I thought its worth giving up as Alfred Hitchcock ,tamil director Bhimsingh says its after all cinema and they are grossly overpaid and over celebrated including their work. But fiction always excites and gives a valuable ,enjoyable break from reality and makes us alive. Vishwaroopam due to the soft to hard growth of characterization impressed me through its songs and promos. Hence I went for the  movie on 1st show. Am not heartless or brainless to criticize a legend like Mr.Kamal Hassan. I will try to keep up the movie information highlighted for fans to atleast keep them informed on what it is and what can be expected.

Humanitarian Indian soldier spies on Afghanistan location during 2002 period, he through another money motived sheikh brings a equipment to identify location through him. As a result a bunch of political extremists is getting killed including the family he lives with closely which indeed affects him emotionally. The spy now live is NY after climax of the war in Afghanistan as girlish dance master marrying a selfish woman who has affair. She spies husband to blame on him to quit marriage as she not likes the girlish character of wiz(Vishwanathan) and the spy gets killed accidentally by an political warrior. Now political warrior group is on with Wizz and co,where wiz takes vishwaroopam from soft to super hero the best moment of the film. Now the wiz and co is upon saving NY from deadly killing agent through chemical tied upon dove and another political warrior who is upon killng using the chemical agents. Wizz and co saves it by the advice by his wife Nirupama as she is nuclear oncologist(using micro oven?).The spy and co will continue their journey now in India for vishwaroopam 2.

1.Vishwaroopam characterization from soft to super hero.

2.Realistic portrayal of Afghanistan life a new experience.

3.Songs, background music.

4.Rahul Bose character and performance to a extent.

5.Reasonably dense story.

6. Dailagues(very nice witty,cute,emotional and comic dailagues(papathi amma nee kozhiku uppu cheriya iruka sollu!! and men are nothing but tail in there front :)).

1.New york detective track, especially second half(all kamal scripted movies has exciting plot and weak second half right from the movie Vikram in 1986).

2. No thick or fulfilling character(s) or themes in the movie.

3.Story telling is bit slow and complex.Not sure on this,but i feel for some reason there is no interest created to follow/learn more on story and characters.

Non chronological events of story in movie(Afgahnistan and NY track running parallely and quick edits in climax to reveal who the hero is).

I salute kamal sir for his looks in the movie especially as tamil Muslim Kashmiri and stunt sequences for his age.I love this movie to succeed as am well wisher of Mr.Kamal Haasan but one suggestion is bring a team of  various skilled people in script and direction department of your movie.


Anonymous said…
Brahmin boasters club
Anonymous said…
He acts to earn money.What good things you guys expect him to give him in a movie.Or how long you would wait for him to give good teachings .Those are all are already available for you to learn and survive in this world.He is a business man.Can’t you people think!
Just look back your personal life in past ten years.
He is travelling in a Audi , I believe.
But, we people wasted our hard earned money on this movies and even we couldn’t afford to buy an octavia without Emi’s.
Please think over it.
Even everyone works hard for the money.
But, the so called celebrities earn the money with ease. Do you say that they are intellectuals.
Are they brainy than all the top notch techies?
Why they are paid too much
If we guys shun movies then how will they earn ?
Why we guys are pouring our money to their pockets so easily.
Iam speaking in general. Do you feel that he is entertaining you so much.?When kamal was in trouble, some fans sent him cheques , DD’s and so on.Now, his movie is successfully running.
Did he have the generosity to add up atleast rs. 1 in the amount and return them back.
He works for money and we guys confuse him to be demi god.
Please think over it.
You Brahmin idiots fight and calculate for every penny that you spend?
Then can’t you think twice to spend money on the tickets?
Stop watching movies , let the celebrites be brought to the streets to know the value of each penny .
I know I have been harsh and it is for your own good.
They are not gods to be praised.
They are indeed creatures below par running after money and nothing else.

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