ON Mathematician Srinivasa Ramnujan- The unrecognised lonely personal encounter with TRUTH--->3900 theorems and identities

His successor Stephen Hawking one of the greatest living Mathematician This is ON Tamilnadu Math wizz R (Dec22-1887 to Apr26-1920). Biography is the subject for people who always in need of ideal to take themselves up.In country like Britian literature,biographies and ideals sell well.Ideals arent bad thing until we compare ourself and let down or give up easy as we are feeling inferior as there is long distance between ourself and the ideals.People love rocky stories which are of rags to riches.There are number of biographies that are famous starting from Experiment with truth,autobiography of an yogi.But R is a unsung hero who isnt received well in his times,whose life is full of pain and struggules.You just cant celebrate the biography than a mans works.Even though we always tend to believe the to get emotional high by branding like GENIUS.Genius always goes with eccentricity and controversy.I always tend to believe that brain is an...