ON Evolution of computer

Who,how,when and what has made revolutionise our society by helping computers evolve and help every people in the planet earth to make use of it.Shouldnt we acknowledge the key people and their team for helping our society raise this level.Again we could say that they did their work only for money,but it includes passion ,intelligence,soul and hard work which has taken society technologically far ahead.
The computer evolution story begins with the R& D center called PARC in California which has made the the many break through inventions and our heroes are Steve Jobs and Bill Gates.You might have heard a term called R&D,this is the department that helped us in the evolution.Not a easy thing,to be in this department, as all days are trial and error except for that one enlightening day.But again,Innovation has nothing to do with how many R&D dollars you have. When Apple came up with the Mac, IBM was spending at least 100 times more on R&D. It's not about money. It's about the people you have, how you're led, and how much you get it. It is where the man Steve Jobs and his team got the opportunity to be around in exchange of their stock options of company,he's a man with creative and philosophic flavour,an emotional man indeed with a big,strong,passionate and deep heart.He was shown about internet,email,object oriented programming,GUI(key contibutor:Alan Curtis Kay (born May 17, 1940) and mouse(originally invented by Douglas Engelbart (born January 30, 1925,aided by William English developing the mouse ball, replacing the original set of wheels. ) in PARC premises.The GUI and mouse is what blinded him,since hes driven by a thought that he want to make software and hardware that he himself love to see and work.It is key concept which revolutionises the operating system,which indirectly contributes to the success of computers as well.
Steve brought in this GUI and Mouse into his Macintosh computer which is a series of computers been evolving for quiet a while and achieved success with his 1984 Macintosh model(a novel 1984,which is a story about dystopian society,a irony indeed).By this time Steve and Bill were also working collobaritvely as well helping each other,Steve is the pioneer and we could see Bill coming for Steves Launch functions,an upcomimg software entrepreneur.Steve is the heart of computer evolution and Bill is the brain of computer evolution.Steve created hardware revolution(body) and Bill on the software(brain).The 1984 model again is a costly one and is only the seed.Bill took that seed and made use of all the best things available around to create a software called Windows operating system.This success is earned one in most part except for the fact that they copied many of Macintosh aspects.And again fonts and the style were pioneered by steve Jobs(who has lots of patent and know calligraphy as well) himself which was also used in Windows.From the Windows 3.0 in 1990 ,windows 95 in 1995,there was no looking back.Steve Jobs claims that windows is uncreative,unoriginal,lack of good taste and a third rate product.But people has made it a hit.Eventhough Steve Jobs missed what Bill made(i.e., on PC software business Bill occupied 92percent and Steve made it upto 8 percent even after Apple got its limelight after theire successfull smartphone device sales) ,yet Steve made terrific comeback with his smartphone products(iPad,iPhone and iPod).Ironic and sad that Steve had died the very next day i wrote this article .And another key contributor of computer revolution is ofcourse the Google, the one name which needs no introduction as they are rocking with their internet products.So far so good,so lets see,whats next........


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