ON Retirement - Right age for retirement?

Whats the right age for retirement?My grandma is 74,she is yet to retire from kitchen.I hear people from IIT or IIM,gets retired by the age of 45,as their brains are exhausted and need or deserve rest.Realised the value of being young,when i heard that brain cell after 10 arent good enough(or atleast difficult,not to the mark) to learn new lanuage.Obviously,there is no point in doing something again and again,that we are through and confident to be through.We can bring no satisfaction out if it.Isaac Newton completed most(all that are valued) of his theory by the time when he was 25,rest of his years were unproductive(as he engaged in Theology and alchemy).There are some data and my experience that drags me to believe we are the best when we are young.Even when i read some writers earlier and latter work,i believe their later works are not great,compared to earlier ones.May be latter ones were of riding their past fame and making commercial benefi...