ON Tamil Movie Dasavatharam - 10 short stories by kamal

When Vincent poovaraghan says to villan during climx,"We have only one home,our world",this one thought is worth enough to work hard for 2years and make a movie like dasavatharam for kamal.Putting aside artifical makeup,no strong lengthy characterisation out of 10 characters,no proper logical story,inserted headache screenplay and pushing hard 10characters in a small simple story,its a good attempt.My impulse to share about actor kamalhaasans movie is unresistable.I cannot call this article to be movie review,rather reaction.Reaction for that which we know and like is almost perfected.So i thought of sharing this reaction. Kamalhaasan is screenwriter for all of his movies right from Aboorva sokadharargal(1989) till date.50% of his movies released after aboorva sokadharargal,were hit and 50% were flop.So,screenwriting is the secret of his success as well as failure.So he might have almost mastered all theories for his screenwriting through his high contacts,source and expo...