The Book Steve Jobs Loved all his life

Autobiography of a Yogi by Paramahansa Yogananda(real name Mukunda Lal Ghosh). This book been introduced by my friend some ten years back, saying it has changed her life. Now, reasonably well known book even among younger generation this book been in print since 1946. Content living this long (there are time when popularity also is not the sign of success or failure) itself is indication that something is good on this book. I tried myself and the backdrop is that its the spiritual pursuits of people during the authors period in India(1893-1952). People who have lived without food(energy via sunlight), and all different unbelievable sorts of spiritual dimensions is been told. The reason the book being popular in West is that author has tried explain Indian spiritual things in rational/scientific way. Needless to say it also explores on yoga, gravitation and all aspects of spirituality. On the downside people might complain the book is of fantasy stuff and pseudo scientific. Any way...