ON Gandhi - October Sky Gujarathi gentleman and the intellectual who changed the world

Article i wrote on 1999 published above,when i was going through tough time in one of big messes/misses i did in my life-It's as immature as i write today.. I don’t believe in celebrating birthdays, as I’ve grown mature enough to know what I’ve done and how stupid and intelligent,limited the human life is at least for me. Self rejection is the way I am. Birthday is a mark of completion of orbit as time is always calculated based on the celestial bodies movements, to me birthday is significant to that extent only. Living is a pain for rational man if he doesn't work around ways to live to satisfy himself in a rational way.But again there is nothing wrong in celebrating for great personalities to commemorate and acknowledge and recognize their presence and work. We need to reinstate their thoughts to charge ourselves. Biography is a writers nature, as they write when they propel their personality and they bring lot of information about people as people who...