ON Reading Journals and Magazines - Reading Kumudham,anadha vikatan,tamil magazines is bad for intellectual health,but good for emotional health?

I always believed exposure makes a difference,atleast it stands as a starting point.How do we get exposure,thats a big question and how to make most of it is another.Medium like TV,newspapers,magazines,a new set of people with different background and many more are the sources of exposure.Atleast to certain extent,all childrens and teenagers,even the 2010 teenagers are of in limited zone and not able to open their wings.When i was young i was provided minimum of exposure like TV,The Hindu(used to stare the pictures,nothing more,the content and language is formed of strong society background and intellectuals) and magazine like Kumudam,Anandha Vikatan(Used to purchase them in Thursday nights KUMUDAM-Rs.2.25 and Anandha Vikatan-Rs.3.50 in 90s). Reading is a habit cultivated by seeing the parents and mine is no different too.As these 2 magazines at one point started to excite me(since its not intellectuallly demanding and no other outlet or ...